184 research outputs found

    Minimal counterexamples and discharging method

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    Recently, the author found that there is a common mistake in some papers by using minimal counterexample and discharging method. We first discuss how the mistake is generated, and give a method to fix the mistake. As an illustration, we consider total coloring of planar or toroidal graphs, and show that: if GG is a planar or toroidal graph with maximum degree at most κ1\kappa - 1, where κ11\kappa \geq 11, then the total chromatic number is at most κ\kappa.Comment: 8 pages. Preliminary version, comments are welcom

    Covering line graphs with equivalence relations

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    An equivalence graph is a disjoint union of cliques, and the equivalence number eq(G)\mathit{eq}(G) of a graph GG is the minimum number of equivalence subgraphs needed to cover the edges of GG. We consider the equivalence number of a line graph, giving improved upper and lower bounds: 13log2log2χ(G)<eq(L(G))2log2log2χ(G)+2\frac 13 \log_2\log_2 \chi(G) < \mathit{eq}(L(G)) \leq 2\log_2\log_2 \chi(G) + 2. This disproves a recent conjecture that eq(L(G))\mathit{eq}(L(G)) is at most three for triangle-free GG; indeed it can be arbitrarily large. To bound eq(L(G))\mathit{eq}(L(G)) we bound the closely-related invariant σ(G)\sigma(G), which is the minimum number of orientations of GG such that for any two edges e,fe,f incident to some vertex vv, both ee and ff are oriented out of vv in some orientation. When GG is triangle-free, σ(G)=eq(L(G))\sigma(G)=\mathit{eq}(L(G)). We prove that even when GG is triangle-free, it is NP-complete to decide whether or not σ(G)3\sigma(G)\leq 3.Comment: 10 pages, submitted in July 200

    On edge-group choosability of graphs

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    In this paper, we study the concept of edge-group choosability of graphs. We say that G is edge k-group choosable if its line graph is k-group choosable. An edge-group choosability version of Vizing conjecture is given. The evidence of our claim are graphs with maximum degree less than 4, planar graphs with maximum degree at least 11, planar graphs without small cycles, outerplanar graphs and near-outerplanar graphs