1 research outputs found

    On Discrete Alphabets for the Two-user Gaussian Interference Channel with One Receiver Lacking Knowledge of the Interfering Codebook

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    In multi-user information theory it is often assumed that every node in the network possesses all codebooks used in the network. This assumption is however impractical in distributed ad-hoc and cognitive networks. This work considers the two- user Gaussian Interference Channel with one Oblivious Receiver (G-IC-OR), i.e., one receiver lacks knowledge of the interfering cookbook while the other receiver knows both codebooks. We ask whether, and if so how much, the channel capacity of the G-IC- OR is reduced compared to that of the classical G-IC where both receivers know all codebooks. Intuitively, the oblivious receiver should not be able to jointly decode its intended message along with the unintended interfering message whose codebook is unavailable. We demonstrate that in strong and very strong interference, where joint decoding is capacity achieving for the classical G-IC, lack of codebook knowledge does not reduce performance in terms of generalized degrees of freedom (gDoF). Moreover, we show that the sum-capacity of the symmetric G-IC- OR is to within O(log(log(SNR))) of that of the classical G-IC. The key novelty of the proposed achievable scheme is the use of a discrete input alphabet for the non-oblivious transmitter, whose cardinality is appropriately chosen as a function of SNR