46 research outputs found

    Task and motion planning for mobile manipulators

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    This thesis introduces new concepts and algorithms that can be used to solve the simultaneous task and motion planning (STAMP) problem. Given a set of actions a robot could perform, the STAMP problem asks for a sequence of actions that takes the robot to its goal and for motion plans that correspond to the actions in that sequence. This thesis shows how to solve the STAMP problem more efficiently and obtain more robust solutions, when compared to previous work. A solution to the STAMP problem is a prerequisite for most operations complex robots such as mobile manipulators are asked to perform. Solving the STAMP problem efficiently thus expands the range of capabilities for mobile manipulators, and the increased robustness of computed solutions can improve safety. A basic sub-problem of the STAMP problem is motion planning. This thesis generalizes KPIECE, a sampling-based motion planning algorithm designed specifically for planning in high-dimensional spaces. KPIECE offers computational advantages by employing projections from the searched space to lower-dimensional Euclidean spaces for estimating exploration coverage. This thesis further develops the original KPIECE algorithm by introducing a means to automatically generate projections to lower-dimensional Euclidean spaces. KPIECE and other state-of-the-art algorithms are implemented as part the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL), and the practical applicability of KPIECE and OMPL is demonstrated on the PR2 hardware platform. To solve the STAMP problem, this thesis introduces the concept of a task motion multigraph (TMM), a data structure that can express the ability of mobile manipulators to perform specific tasks using different hardware components. The choice of hardware components determines the state space for motion planning. An algorithm that prioritizes the state spaces for motion planning using TMMs is presented and evaluated. Experimental results show that planning times are reduced by a factor of up to six and solution paths are shortened by a factor of up to four, when considering the available planning options. Finally, an algorithm that considers uncertainty at the task planning level based on generating Markov Decision Process (MDP) problems from TMMs is introduced

    Planning in constraint space for multi-body manipulation tasks

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    Robots are inherently limited by physical constraints on their link lengths, motor torques, battery power and structural rigidity. To thrive in circumstances that push these limits, such as in search and rescue scenarios, intelligent agents can use the available objects in their environment as tools. Reasoning about arbitrary objects and how they can be placed together to create useful structures such as ramps, bridges or simple machines is critical to push beyond one's physical limitations. Unfortunately, the solution space is combinatorial in the number of available objects and the configuration space of the chosen objects and the robot that uses the structure is high dimensional. To address these challenges, we propose using constraint satisfaction as a means to test the feasibility of candidate structures and adopt search algorithms in the classical planning literature to find sufficient designs. The key idea is that the interactions between the components of a structure can be encoded as equality and inequality constraints on the configuration spaces of the respective objects. Furthermore, constraints that are induced by a broadly defined action, such as placing an object on another, can be grouped together using logical representations such as Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL). Then, a classical planning search algorithm can reason about which set of constraints to impose on the available objects, iteratively creating a structure that satisfies the task goals and the robot constraints. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework, we present both simulation and real robot results with static structures such as ramps, bridges and stairs, and quasi-static structures such as lever-fulcrum simple machines.Ph.D

    Hierarchical Graphs as Organisational Principle and Spatial Model Applied to Pedestrian Indoor Navigation

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    In this thesis, hierarchical graphs are investigated from two different angles – as a general modelling principle for (geo)spatial networks and as a practical means to enhance navigation in buildings. The topics addressed are of interest from a multi-disciplinary point of view, ranging from Computer Science in general over Artificial Intelligence and Computational Geometry in particular to other fields such as Geographic Information Science. Some hierarchical graph models have been previously proposed by the research community, e.g. to cope with the massive size of road networks, or as a conceptual model for human wayfinding. However, there has not yet been a comprehensive, systematic approach for modelling spatial networks with hierarchical graphs. One particular problem is the gap between conceptual models and models which can be readily used in practice. Geospatial data is commonly modelled - if at all - only as a flat graph. Therefore, from a practical point of view, it is important to address the automatic construction of a graph hierarchy based on the predominant data models. The work presented deals with this problem: an automated method for construction is introduced and explained. A particular contribution of my thesis is the proposition to use hierarchical graphs as the basis for an extensible, flexible architecture for modelling various (geo)spatial networks. The proposed approach complements classical graph models very well in the sense that their expressiveness is extended: various graphs originating from different sources can be integrated into a comprehensive, multi-level model. This more sophisticated kind of architecture allows for extending navigation services beyond the borders of one single spatial network to a collection of heterogeneous networks, thus establishing a meta-navigation service. Another point of discussion is the impact of the hierarchy and distribution on graph algorithms. They have to be adapted to properly operate on multi-level hierarchies. By investigating indoor navigation problems in particular, the guiding principles are demonstrated for modelling networks at multiple levels of detail. Complex environments like large public buildings are ideally suited to demonstrate the versatile use of hierarchical graphs and thus to highlight the benefits of the hierarchical approach. Starting from a collection of floor plans, I have developed a systematic method for constructing a multi-level graph hierarchy. The nature of indoor environments, especially their inherent diversity, poses an additional challenge: among others, one must deal with complex, irregular, and/or three-dimensional features. The proposed method is also motivated by practical considerations, such as not only finding shortest/fastest paths across rooms and floors, but also by providing descriptions for these paths which are easily understood by people. Beyond this, two novel aspects of using a hierarchy are discussed: one as an informed heuristic exploiting the specific characteristics of indoor environments in order to enhance classical, general-purpose graph search techniques. At the same time, as a convenient by- product of this method, clusters such as sections and wings can be detected. The other reason is to better deal with irregular, complex-shaped regions in a way that instructions can also be provided for these spaces. Previous approaches have not considered this problem. In summary, the main results of this work are: • hierarchical graphs are introduced as a general spatial data infrastructure. In particular, this architecture allows us to integrate different spatial networks originating from different sources. A small but useful set of operations is proposed for integrating these networks. In order to work in a hierarchical model, classical graph algorithms are generalised. This finding also has implications on the possible integration of separate navigation services and systems; • a novel set of core data structures and algorithms have been devised for modelling indoor environments. They cater to the unique characteristics of these environments and can be specifically used to provide enhanced navigation in buildings. Tested on models of several real buildings from our university, some preliminary but promising results were gained from a prototypical implementation and its application on the models

    Combining task and motion planning for mobile manipulators

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 31/12/2019Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit d’Enginyeria IndustrialThis thesis addresses the combination of task and motion planning which deals with different types of robotic manipulation problems. Manipulation problems are referred to as mobile manipulation, collaborative multiple mobile robots tasks, and even higher dimensional tasks (like bi-manual robots or mobile manipulators). Task and motion planning problems needs to obtain a geometrically feasible manipulation plan through symbolic and geometric search space. The combination of task and motion planning levels has emerged as a challenging issue as the failure leads robots to dead-end tasks due to geometric constraints. In addition, task planning is combined with physics-based motion planning and information to cope with manipulation tasks in which interactions between robots and objects are required, or also a low-cost feasible plan in terms of power is looked for. Moreover, combining task and motion planning frameworks is enriched by introducing manipulation knowledge. It facilitates the planning process and aids to provide the way of executing symbolic actions. Combining task and motion planning can be considered under uncertain information and with human-interaction. Uncertainty can be viewed in the initial state of the robot world or the result of symbolic actions. To deal with such issues, contingent-based task and motion planning is proposed using a perception system and human knowledge. Also, robots can ask human for those tasks which are difficult or infeasible for the purpose of collaboration. An implementation framework to combine different types of task and motion planning is presented. All the required modules and tools are also illustrated. As some task planning algorithms are implemented in Prolog or C++ languages and our geometric reasoner is developed in C++, the flow of information between different languages is explained.Aquesta tesis es centra en les eines de planificació combinada a nivell de tasca i a nivell de moviments per abordar diferents problemes de manipulació robòtica. Els problemes considerats són de navegació de robots mòbil enmig de obstacles no fixes, tasques de manipulació cooperativa entre varis robots mòbils, i tasques de manipulació de dimensió més elevada com les portades a terme amb robots bi-braç o manipuladors mòbils. La planificació combinada de tasques i de moviments ha de cercar un pla de manipulació que sigui geomètricament realitzable, a través de d'un espai de cerca simbòlic i geomètric. La combinació dels nivells de planificació de tasca i de moviments ha sorgit com un repte ja que les fallades degudes a les restriccions geomètriques poden portar a tasques sense solució. Addicionalment, la planificació a nivell de tasca es combina amb informació de la física de l'entorn i amb mètodes de planificació basats en la física, per abordar tasques de manipulació en les que la interacció entre el robot i els objectes és necessària, o també si es busca un pla realitzable i amb un baix cost en termes de potència. A més, el marc proposat per al combinació de la planificació a nivell de tasca i a nivell de moviments es millora mitjançant l'ús de coneixement, que facilita el procés de planificació i ajuda a trobar la forma d'executar accions simbòliques. La combinació de nivells de planificació també es pot considerar en casos d'informació incompleta i en la interacció humà-robot. La incertesa es considera en l'estat inicial i en el resultat de les accions simbòliques. Per abordar aquest problema, es proposa la planificació basada en contingències usant un sistema de percepció i el coneixement de l'operari humà. Igualment, els robots poden demanar col·laboració a l'operari humà per a que realitzi aquelles accions que són difícils o no realitzables pel robot. Es presenta també un marc d'implementació per a la combinació de nivells de planificació usant diferents mètodes, incloent tots els mòduls i eines necessàries. Com que alguns algorismes estan implementats en Prolog i d'altres en C++, i el mòdul de raonament geomètric proposat està desenvolupat en C++, es detalla el flux d'informació entre diferents llenguatges.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Architecture for planning and execution of missions with fleets of unmanned vehicles

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    Esta tesis presenta contribuciones en el campo de la planificación automática y la programación de tareas, la rama de la inteligencia artificial que se ocupa de la realización de estrategias o secuencias de acciones típicamente para su ejecución por parte de vehículos no tripulados, robots autónomos y/o agentes inteligentes. Cuando se intenta alcanzar un objetivo determinado, la cooperación puede ser un aspecto clave. La complejidad de algunas tareas requiere la cooperación entre varios agentes. Mas aún, incluso si una tarea es lo suficientemente simple para ser llevada a cabo por un único agente, puede usarse la cooperación para reducir el coste total de la misma. Para realizar tareas complejas que requieren interacción física con el mundo real, los vehículos no tripulados pueden ser usados como agentes. En los últimos años se han creado y utilizado una gran diversidad de plataformas no tripuladas, principalmente vehículos que pueden ser dirigidos sin un humano a bordo, tanto en misiones civiles como militares. En esta tesis se aborda la aplicación de planificación simbólica de redes jerárquicas de tareas (HTN planning, por sus siglas en inglés) en la resolución de problemas de enrutamiento de vehículos (VRP, por sus siglas en inglés) [18], en dominios que implican múltiples vehículos no tripulados de capacidades heterogéneas que deben cooperar para alcanzar una serie de objetivos específicos. La planificación con redes jerárquicas de tareas describe dominios utilizando una descripción que descompone conjuntos de tareas en subconjuntos más pequeños de subtareas gradualmente, hasta obtener tareas del más bajo nivel que no pueden ser descompuestas y se consideran directamente ejecutables. Esta jerarquía es similar al modo en que los humanos razonan sobre los problemas, descomponiéndolos en subproblemas según el contexto, y por lo tanto suelen ser fáciles de comprender y diseñar. Los problemas de enrutamiento de vehículos son una generalización del problema del viajante (TSP, por sus siglas en inglés). La resolución del problema del viajante consiste en encontrar la ruta más corta posible que permite visitar una lista de ciudades, partiendo y acabando en la misma ciudad. Su generalización, el problema de enrutamiento de vehículos, consiste en encontrar el conjunto de rutas de longitud mínima que permite cubrir todas las ciudades con un determinado número de vehículos. Ambos problemas cuentan con una fuerte componente combinatoria para su resolución, especialmente en el caso del VRP, por lo que su presencia en dominios que van a ser tratados con un planificador HTN clásico supone un gran reto. Para la aplicación de un planificador HTN en la resolución de problemas de enrutamiento de vehículos desarrollamos dos métodos. En el primero de ellos presentamos un sistema de optimización de soluciones basado en puntuaciones, que nos permite una nueva forma de conexión entre un software especializado en la resolución del VRP con el planificador HTN. Llamamos a este modo de conexión el método desacoplado, puesto que resolvemos la componente combinatoria del problema de enrutamiento de vehículos mediante un solucionador específico que se comunica con el planificador HTN y le suministra la información necesaria para continuar con la descomposición de tareas. El segundo método consiste en mejorar el planificador HTN utilizado para que sea capaz de resolver el problema de enrutamiento de vehículos de la mejor forma posible sin tener que depender de módulos de software externos. Llamamos a este modo el método acoplado. Con este motivo hemos desarrollado un nuevo planificador HTN que utiliza un algoritmo de búsqueda distinto del que se utiliza normalmente en planificadores de este tipo. Esta tesis presenta nuevas contribuciones en el campo de la planificación con redes jerárquicas de tareas para la resolución de problemas de enrutamiento de vehículos. Se aplica una nueva forma de conexión entre dos planificadores independientes basada en un sistema de cálculo de puntuaciones que les permite colaborar en la optimización de soluciones, y se presenta un nuevo planificador HTN con un algoritmo de búsqueda distinto al comúnmente utilizado. Se muestra la aplicación de estos dos métodos en misiones civiles dentro del entorno de los Proyectos ARCAS y AEROARMS financiados por la Comisión Europea y se presentan extensos resultados de simulación para comprobar la validez de los dos métodos propuestos.This thesis presents contributions in the field of automated planning and scheduling, the branch of artificial intelligence that concerns the realization of strategies or action sequences typically for execution by unmanned vehicles, autonomous robots and/or intelligent agents. When trying to achieve certain goal, cooperation may be a key aspect. The complexity of some tasks requires the cooperation among several agents. Moreover, even if the task is simple enough to be carried out by a single agent, cooperation can be used to decrease the overall cost of the operation. To perform complex tasks that require physical interaction with the real world, unmanned vehicles can be used as agents. In the last years a great variety of unmanned platforms, mainly vehicles that can be driven without a human on board, have been developed and used both in civil and military missions. This thesis deals with the application of Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning in the resolution of vehicle routing problems (VRP) [18] in domains involving multiple heterogeneous unmanned vehicles that must cooperate to achieve specific goals. HTN planning describes problem domains using a description that decomposes set of tasks into subsets of smaller tasks and so on, obtaining low-level tasks that cannot be further decomposed and are supposed to be executable. The hierarchy resembles the way the humans reason about problems by decomposing them into sub-problems depending on the context and therefore tend to be easy to understand and design. Vehicle routing problems are a generalization of the travelling salesman problem (TSP). The TSP consists on finding the shortest path that connects all the cities from a list, starting and ending on the same city. The VRP consists on finding the set of minimal routes that cover all cities by using a specific number of vehicles. Both problems have a combinatorial nature, specially the VRP, that makes it very difficult to use a HTN planner in domains where these problems are present. Two approaches to use a HTN planner in domains involving the VRP have been tested. The first approach consists on a score-based optimization system that allows us to apply a new way of connecting a software specialized in the resolution of the VRP with the HTN planner. We call this the decoupled approach, as we tackle the combinatorial nature of the VRP by using a specialized solver that communicates with the HTN planner and provides all the required information to do the task decomposition. The second approach consists on improving and enhancing the HTN planner to be capable of solving the VRP without needing the use of an external software. We call this the coupled approach. For this reason, a new HTN planner that uses a different search algorithm from these commonly used in that type of planners has been developed and is presented in this work. This thesis presents new contributions in the field of hierarchical task network planning for the resolution of vehicle routing problem domains. A new way of connecting two independent planning systems based on a score calculation system that lets them cooperate in the optimization of the solutions is applied, and a new HTN planner that uses a different search algorithm from that usually used in other HTN planners is presented. These two methods are applied in civil missions in the framework of the ARCAS and AEROARMS Projects funded by the European Commission. Extensive simulation results are presented to test the validity of the two approaches

    Model-Based Environmental Visual Perception for Humanoid Robots

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    The visual perception of a robot should answer two fundamental questions: What? and Where? In order to properly and efficiently reply to these questions, it is essential to establish a bidirectional coupling between the external stimuli and the internal representations. This coupling links the physical world with the inner abstraction models by sensor transformation, recognition, matching and optimization algorithms. The objective of this PhD is to establish this sensor-model coupling

    Robots that Learn and Plan — Unifying Robot Learning and Motion Planning for Generalized Task Execution

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    Robots have the potential to assist people with a variety of everyday tasks, but to achieve that potential robots require software capable of planning and executing motions in cluttered environments. To address this, over the past few decades, roboticists have developed numerous methods for planning motions to avoid obstacles with increasingly stronger guarantees, from probabilistic completeness to asymptotic optimality. Some of these methods have even considered the types of constraints that must be satisfied to perform useful tasks, but these constraints must generally be manually specified. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of methods for automatic learning of tasks from human-provided demonstrations. Unfortunately, these two fields, task learning and motion planning, have evolved largely separate from one another, and the learned models are often not usable by motion planners. In this thesis, we aim to bridge the gap between robot task learning and motion planning by employing a learned task model that can subsequently be leveraged by an asymptotically-optimal motion planner to autonomously execute the task. First, we show that application of a motion planner enables task performance while avoiding novel obstacles and extend this to dynamic environments by replanning at reactive rates. Second, we generalize the method to accommodate time-invariant model parameters, allowing more information to be gleaned from the demonstrations. Third, we describe a more principled approach to temporal registration for such learning methods that mirrors the ultimate integration with a motion planner and often reduces the number of demonstrations required. Finally, we extend this framework to the domain of mobile manipulation. We empirically evaluate each of these contributions on multiple household tasks using the Aldebaran Nao, Rethink Robotics Baxter, and Fetch mobile manipulator robots to show that these approaches improve task execution success rates and reduce the amount of human-provided information required.Doctor of Philosoph

    AGI for Agriculture

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    Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is poised to revolutionize a variety of sectors, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and education. Within healthcare, AGI is being utilized to analyze clinical medical notes, recognize patterns in patient data, and aid in patient management. Agriculture is another critical sector that impacts the lives of individuals worldwide. It serves as a foundation for providing food, fiber, and fuel, yet faces several challenges, such as climate change, soil degradation, water scarcity, and food security. AGI has the potential to tackle these issues by enhancing crop yields, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable farming practices. It can also help farmers make informed decisions by leveraging real-time data, leading to more efficient and effective farm management. This paper delves into the potential future applications of AGI in agriculture, such as agriculture image processing, natural language processing (NLP), robotics, knowledge graphs, and infrastructure, and their impact on precision livestock and precision crops. By leveraging the power of AGI, these emerging technologies can provide farmers with actionable insights, allowing for optimized decision-making and increased productivity. The transformative potential of AGI in agriculture is vast, and this paper aims to highlight its potential to revolutionize the industry

    Design and management of pervasive eCare services

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    Social Graphs and Their Applications to Robotics

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    In this thesis, we propose a new method to design a roadmap-based path planning algorithm in a 2D static environment, which assumes a-priori knowledge of robots’ positions, their goals’ positions, and surrounding obstacles. The new algorithm, called Multi-Robot Path Planning Algorithm (MRPPA), combines Visibility graph VG method with the algebraic connectivity