76,745 research outputs found

    Finding Regressions in Projects under Version Control Systems

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    Version Control Systems (VCS) are frequently used to support development of large-scale software projects. A typical VCS repository of a large project can contain various intertwined branches consisting of a large number of commits. If some kind of unwanted behaviour (e.g. a bug in the code) is found in the project, it is desirable to find the commit that introduced it. Such commit is called a regression point. There are two main issues regarding the regression points. First, detecting whether the project after a certain commit is correct can be very expensive as it may include large-scale testing and/or some other forms of verification. It is thus desirable to minimise the number of such queries. Second, there can be several regression points preceding the actual commit; perhaps a bug was introduced in a certain commit, inadvertently fixed several commits later, and then reintroduced in a yet later commit. In order to fix the actual commit it is usually desirable to find the latest regression point. The currently used distributed VCS contain methods for regression identification, see e.g. the git bisect tool. In this paper, we present a new regression identification algorithm that outperforms the current tools by decreasing the number of validity queries. At the same time, our algorithm tends to find the latest regression points which is a feature that is missing in the state-of-the-art algorithms. The paper provides an experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithm and compares it to the state-of-the-art tool git bisect on a real data set

    HardIDX: Practical and Secure Index with SGX

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    Software-based approaches for search over encrypted data are still either challenged by lack of proper, low-leakage encryption or slow performance. Existing hardware-based approaches do not scale well due to hardware limitations and software designs that are not specifically tailored to the hardware architecture, and are rarely well analyzed for their security (e.g., the impact of side channels). Additionally, existing hardware-based solutions often have a large code footprint in the trusted environment susceptible to software compromises. In this paper we present HardIDX: a hardware-based approach, leveraging Intel's SGX, for search over encrypted data. It implements only the security critical core, i.e., the search functionality, in the trusted environment and resorts to untrusted software for the remainder. HardIDX is deployable as a highly performant encrypted database index: it is logarithmic in the size of the index and searches are performed within a few milliseconds rather than seconds. We formally model and prove the security of our scheme showing that its leakage is equivalent to the best known searchable encryption schemes. Our implementation has a very small code and memory footprint yet still scales to virtually unlimited search index sizes, i.e., size is limited only by the general - non-secure - hardware resources

    How the Sando Search Tool Recommends Queries

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    Developers spend a significant amount of time searching their local codebase. To help them search efficiently, researchers have proposed novel tools that apply state-of-the-art information retrieval algorithms to retrieve relevant code snippets from the local codebase. However, these tools still rely on the developer to craft an effective query, which requires that the developer is familiar with the terms contained in the related code snippets. Our empirical data from a state-of-the-art local code search tool, called Sando, suggests that developers are sometimes unacquainted with their local codebase. In order to bridge the gap between developers and their ever-increasing local codebase, in this paper we demonstrate the recommendation techniques integrated in Sando

    Estimating the cost of generic quantum pre-image attacks on SHA-2 and SHA-3

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    We investigate the cost of Grover's quantum search algorithm when used in the context of pre-image attacks on the SHA-2 and SHA-3 families of hash functions. Our cost model assumes that the attack is run on a surface code based fault-tolerant quantum computer. Our estimates rely on a time-area metric that costs the number of logical qubits times the depth of the circuit in units of surface code cycles. As a surface code cycle involves a significant classical processing stage, our cost estimates allow for crude, but direct, comparisons of classical and quantum algorithms. We exhibit a circuit for a pre-image attack on SHA-256 that is approximately 2153.82^{153.8} surface code cycles deep and requires approximately 212.62^{12.6} logical qubits. This yields an overall cost of 2166.42^{166.4} logical-qubit-cycles. Likewise we exhibit a SHA3-256 circuit that is approximately 2146.52^{146.5} surface code cycles deep and requires approximately 2202^{20} logical qubits for a total cost of, again, 2166.52^{166.5} logical-qubit-cycles. Both attacks require on the order of 21282^{128} queries in a quantum black-box model, hence our results suggest that executing these attacks may be as much as 275275 billion times more expensive than one would expect from the simple query analysis.Comment: Same as the published version to appear in the Selected Areas of Cryptography (SAC) 2016. Comments are welcome
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