4 research outputs found

    On the Trade-off Between Controllability and Robustness in Networks of Diffusively Coupled Agents

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a conflicting relationship between two crucial properties---controllability and robustness---in linear dynamical networks of diffusively coupled agents. In particular, for any given number of nodes NN and diameter DD, we identify networks that are maximally robust using the notion of Kirchhoff index and then analyze their strong structural controllability. For this, we compute the minimum number of leaders, which are the nodes directly receiving external control inputs, needed to make such networks controllable under all feasible coupling weights between agents. Then, for any NN and DD, we obtain a sharp upper bound on the minimum number of leaders needed to design strong structurally controllable networks with NN nodes and diameter DD. We also discuss that the bound is best possible for arbitrary NN and DD. Moreover, we construct a family of graphs for any NN and DD such that the graphs have maximal edge sets (maximal robustness) while being strong structurally controllable with the number of leaders in the proposed sharp bound. We then analyze the robustness of this graph family. The results suggest that optimizing robustness increases the number of leaders needed for strong structural controllability. Our analysis is based on graph-theoretic methods and can be applied to exploit network structure to co-optimize robustness and controllability in networks.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Control of Network System

    Strong Structural Controllability of Diffusively Coupled Networks: Comparison of Bounds Based on Distances and Zero Forcing

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    We study the strong structural controllability (SSC) of diffusively coupled networks, where the external control inputs are injected to only some nodes, namely the leaders. For such systems, one measure of controllability is the dimension of strong structurally controllable subspace, which is equal to the smallest possible rank of controllability matrix under admissible (positive) coupling weights. In this paper, we compare two tight lower bounds on the dimension of strong structurally controllable subspace: one based on the distances of followers to leaders, and the other based on the graph coloring process known as zero forcing. We show that the distance-based lower bound is usually better than the zero-forcing-based bound when the leaders do not constitute a zero-forcing set. On the other hand, we also show that any set of leaders that can be shown to achieve complete SSC via the distance-based bound is necessarily a zero-forcing set. These results indicate that while the zero-forcing based approach may be preferable when the focus is only on verifying complete SSC, the distance-based approach is usually more informative when partial SSC is also of interest. Furthermore, we also present a novel bound based on the combination of these two approaches, which is always at least as good as, and in some cases strictly greater than, the maximum of the two bounds. We support our analysis with numerical results for various graphs and leader sets.Comment: Accepted to the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Contro

    Improving Network Robustness through Edge Augmentation While Preserving Strong Structural Controllability

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    In this paper, we consider a network of agents with Laplacian dynamics, and study the problem of improving network robustness by adding a maximum number of edges within the network while preserving a lower bound on its strong structural controllability (SSC) at the same time. Edge augmentation increases network's robustness to noise and structural changes, however, it could also deteriorate network controllability. Thus, by exploiting relationship between network controllability and distances between nodes in graphs, we formulate an edge augmentation problem with a constraint to preserve distances between certain node pairs, which in turn guarantees that a lower bound on SSC is maintained even after adding edges. In this direction, first we choose a node pair and maximally add edges while maintaining the distance between selected nodes. We show that an optimal solution belongs to a certain class of graphs called clique chains. Then, we present an algorithm to add edges while preserving distances between a certain collection of nodes. Further, we present a randomized algorithm that guarantees a desired approximation ratio with high probability to solve the edge augmentation problem. Finally, we evaluate our results on various networks.Comment: American Control Conference (ACC)2020, Denve

    Structural Robustness to Noise in Consensus Networks: Impact of Degrees and Distances, Fundamental Limits, and Extremal Graphs

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    We investigate how the graph topology influences the robustness to noise in undirected linear consensus networks. We measure the structural robustness by using the smallest possible value of steady state population variance of states under the noisy consensus dynamics with edge weights from the unit interval. We derive tight upper and lower bounds on the structural robustness of networks based on the average distance between nodes and the average node degree. Using the proposed bounds, we characterize the networks with different types of robustness scaling under increasing size. Furthermore, we present a fundamental trade-off between the structural robustness and the average degree of networks. While this trade-off implies that a desired level of structural robustness can only be achieved by graphs with a sufficiently large average degree, we also show that there exist dense graphs with poor structural robustness. We then show that, random k-regular graphs (the degree of each node is k) with n nodes typically have near-optimal structural robustness among all the graphs with size n and average degree k for sufficiently large n and k. We also show that when k increases properly with n, random k-regular graphs maintain a structural robustness within a constant factor of the complete graph's while also having the minimum average degree required for such robustness.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro