2 research outputs found

    On the Replication of the Pre-Kernel and Related Solutions

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    Based on results discussed by Meinhardt (2013), which presents a dual characterization of the prekernel by a finite union of solution sets of a family of quadratic and convex objective functions, we could derive some results related to the single-valuedness of the pre-kernel. Rather than extending the knowledge of game classes for which the pre-kernel consists of a single point, we apply a different approach. We select a game from an arbitrary game class with a single pre-kernel element satisfying the non-empty interior condition of a payoff equivalence class, and then establish that the set of related and linear independent games which are derived from this pre-kernel point of the default game replicates this point also as its sole pre-kernel element. Hence, a bargaining outcome related to this pre-kernel element is stable. Furthermore, we establish that on the restricted subset on the game space that is constituted by the convex hull of the default and the set of related games, the pre-kernel correspondence is single-valued, and therefore continuous. In addition, we provide sufficient conditions that preserve the pre-nucleolus property for related games even when the default game has not a single pre-kernel point. Finally, we apply the same techniques to related solutions of the pre-kernel, namely the modiclus and anti-pre-kernel, to work out replication results for them


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    The main purpose is to prove the supermodularity (convexity) property of a cooperative game arising from an economical situation. The underlying oligopoly situation is based on a linear inverse demand function as well as linear cost functions for the participating firms. The characteristic function of the so-called oligopoly game is determined by maximizing, for any cartel of firms, the net profit function over the feasible production levels of the firms in the cartel, taking into account their individual capacities of production and production technologies. The (rather effective) proof of the supermodularity of the characteristic function of the oligopoly game relies on the use of maximizers for the relevant maximization problems. A similar proof technique will be reviewed for a related cooperative oligopoly game arising from a slightly modified oligopoly situation where the production technology of the cartel is determined by the most efficient member firm.Cooperative game, oligopoly TU-game, convexity, supermodularity, cartel, 91A12, 91A40, C71, D43, L13