2 research outputs found

    Improved Sample Complexity for Incremental Autonomous Exploration in MDPs

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    We investigate the exploration of an unknown environment when no reward function is provided. Building on the incremental exploration setting introduced by Lim and Auer [1], we define the objective of learning the set of ϵ\epsilon-optimal goal-conditioned policies attaining all states that are incrementally reachable within LL steps (in expectation) from a reference state s0s_0. In this paper, we introduce a novel model-based approach that interleaves discovering new states from s0s_0 and improving the accuracy of a model estimate that is used to compute goal-conditioned policies to reach newly discovered states. The resulting algorithm, DisCo, achieves a sample complexity scaling as O~(L5SL+ϵΓL+ϵAϵ2)\tilde{O}(L^5 S_{L+\epsilon} \Gamma_{L+\epsilon} A \epsilon^{-2}), where AA is the number of actions, SL+ϵS_{L+\epsilon} is the number of states that are incrementally reachable from s0s_0 in L+ϵL+\epsilon steps, and ΓL+ϵ\Gamma_{L+\epsilon} is the branching factor of the dynamics over such states. This improves over the algorithm proposed in [1] in both ϵ\epsilon and LL at the cost of an extra ΓL+ϵ\Gamma_{L+\epsilon} factor, which is small in most environments of interest. Furthermore, DisCo is the first algorithm that can return an ϵ/cmin\epsilon/c_{\min}-optimal policy for any cost-sensitive shortest-path problem defined on the LL-reachable states with minimum cost cminc_{\min}. Finally, we report preliminary empirical results confirming our theoretical findings.Comment: NeurIPS 202