42 research outputs found

    A brief guide to reversing and extended symmetries of dynamical systems

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    The reversing symmetry group is a well-studied extension of the symmetry group of a dynamical system, the latter being defined by the action of a single homeomorphism on a topological space. While it is traditionally considered in nonlinear dynamics, where the space is simple but the map is complicated, it has an interesting counterpart in symbolic dynamics, where the map is simple but the space is not. Moreover, there is an interesting extension to the case of higher-dimensional shifts, where a similar concept can be introduced via the centraliser and the normaliser of the acting group in the full automorphism group of the shift space. We recall the basic notions and review some of the known results, in a fairly informal manner, to give a first impression of the phenomena that can show up in the extension from the centraliser to the normaliser, with some emphasis on recent developments.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; informal introduction and overvie

    Discrete symmetries as automorphisms of the proper Poincare group

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    We present the consistent approach to finding the discrete transformations in the representation spaces of the proper Poincar\'e group. To this end we use the possibility to establish a correspondence between involutory automorphisms of the proper Poincar\'e group and the discrete transformations. As a result, we derive rules of the discrete transformations for arbitrary spin-tensor fields without the use of relativistic wave equations. Besides, we construct explicitly fields carrying representations of the extended Poincar\'e group, which includes the discrete transformations as well.Comment: 33 pages, LaTe

    Mackey's theory of Ï„\tau-conjugate representations for finite groups. APPENDIX: On Some Gelfand Pairs and Commutative Association Schemes

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    The aim of the present paper is to expose two contributions of Mackey, together with a more recent result of Kawanaka and Matsuyama, generalized by Bump and Ginzburg, on the representation theory of a finite group equipped with an involutory anti-automorphism (e.g. the anti-automorphism g↦g−1g\mapsto g^{-1}). Mackey's first contribution is a detailed version of the so-called Gelfand criterion for weakly symmetric Gelfand pairs. Mackey's second contribution is a characterization of simply reducible groups (a notion introduced by Wigner). The other result is a twisted version of the Frobenius-Schur theorem, where "twisted" refers to the above-mentioned involutory anti-automorphism. APPENDIX: We consider a special condition related to Gelfand pairs. Namely, we call a finite group GG and its automorphism σ\sigma satisfy Condition (★\bigstar) if the following condition is satisfied: if for x,y∈Gx,y\in G, x⋅x−σx\cdot x^{-\sigma} and y⋅y−σy\cdot y^{-\sigma} are conjugate in GG, then they are conjugate in K=CG(σ)K=C_G(\sigma). We study the meanings of this condition, as well as showing many examples of GG and σ\sigma which do (or do not) satisfy Condition (★\bigstar).Comment: This consists of a 38 pages paper and a 7 pages APPENDIX. The original version of the appendix appeared in the unofficial proceedings, "Combinatorial Number Theory and Algebraic Combinatorics", November 18--21, 2002, Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan, pp. 1--

    Discrete symmetries as automorphisms of the proper Poincaré group

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    We present the consistent approach to finding the discrete transformations in the representation spaces of the proper Poincar\'e group. To this end we use the possibility to establish a correspondence between involutory automorphisms of the proper Poincar\'e group and the discrete transformations. As a result, we derive rules of the discrete transformations for arbitrary spin-tensor fields without the use of relativistic wave equations. Besides, we construct explicitly fields carrying representations of the extended Poincar\'e group, which includes the discrete transformations as well

    Transitive Group Actions: (IM)PRIMITIVITY and Semiregular Subgroups

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    The following problem is considered: if HH is a semiregular abelian subgroup of a transitive permutation group GG acting on a finite set XX, find conditions for (non) existence of GG-invariant partitions of XX. Conditions presented in this paper are derived by studying spectral properties of associated GG-invariant digraphs. As an essential tool, irreducible complex characters of HH are used. Questions of this kind arise naturally when classifying combinatorial objects which enjoy a certain degree of symmetry. As an illustration, a new and short proof of an old result of Frucht, Graver and Watkins ({\it Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.}, {\bf 70} (1971), 211-218) classifying edge-transitive generalized Petersen graphs, is given.Comment: 18 pages, 0 figure

    On von Neumann's Examples of Types

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    The paper introduces in a new although maybe unusual form the examples of types provided by J. von Neumann and F.J. Murray in their outstanding papers on algebraic factorization (1936-1943)pursuing three main aims: speculating about the physical reasons and motivations that are likely to have been at the origin of von Neumann's investigation; describing the examples of factors provided by those authors with the purpose of clarifying the general concepts standing at the base of the classification of factors into three general types; outlining the perspective of extending the theory to non--separable Hilbert spaces with the purpose of suggesting a novel approach to the representation of infinite systems controlled by external gauge fields.Comment: 24 pages, no figure

    Homotopy approach to quantum gravity

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    I construct a finite-dimensional quantum theory from general relativity by a homotopy method. Its quantum history is made up of at least two levels of fermionic elements. Its unitary group has the diffeomorphism group as singular limit. Its gravitational metrical form is the algebraic square. Its spinors are multivectors.Comment: For International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Oberwolfach 2006 issu

    Reflections and spinors on manifolds

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    This paper reviews some recent work on (s)pin structures and the Dirac operator on hypersurfaces (in particular, on spheres), on real projective spaces and quadrics. Two approaches to spinor fields on manifolds are compared. The action of space and time reflections on spinors is discussed, also for two-component (chiral) spinors.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, AMS-LaTe

    Subrings of invariants for actions of finite dimensional Hopf algebras

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    This is a survey article on the invariant rings of Hopf actionsComment: plain Te

    Introduction to Sporadic Groups for physicists

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    We describe the collection of finite simple groups, with a view on physical applications. We recall first the prime cyclic groups ZpZ_p, and the alternating groups Altn>4Alt_{n>4}. After a quick revision of finite fields Fq\mathbb{F}_q, q=pfq = p^f, with pp prime, we consider the 16 families of finite simple groups of Lie type. There are also 26 \emph{extra} "sporadic" groups, which gather in three interconnected "generations" (with 5+7+8 groups) plus the Pariah groups (6). We point out a couple of physical applications, including constructing the biggest sporadic group, the "Monster" group, with close to 105410^{54} elements from arguments of physics, and also the relation of some Mathieu groups with compactification in string and M-theory.Comment: This paper is published in: Journal of Physics A, (vol.) 46, (2013), as Topical Revie