2 research outputs found

    Constrained nonlinear output regulation using model predictive control -- extended version

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    We present a model predictive control (MPC) framework to solve the constrained nonlinear output regulation problem. The main feature of the proposed framework is that the application does not require the solution to classical regulator (Francis-Byrnes-Isidori) equations or any other offline design procedure. In particular, the proposed formulation simply minimizes the predicted output error, possibly with some input regularization. Instead of using terminal cost/sets or a positive definite stage cost as is standard in MPC theory, we build on the theoretical results by Grimm et al. 2005 using a detectability notion. The proposed formulation is applicable if the constrained nonlinear regulation problem is (strictly) feasible, the plant is incrementally stabilizable and incrementally input-output to state stable (i-IOSS/detectable). We show that for minimum phase systems such a design ensures exponential stability of the regulator manifold. We also provide a design procedure in case of unstable zero dynamics using an incremental input regularization and a nonresonance condition. Inherent robustness properties for the noisy error/output-feedback case are established under simplifying assumptions (e.g. no state constraints). The theoretical results are illustrated with an example involving offset free tracking with noisy error feedback. The paper also contains novel results for MPC without terminal constraints with positive semidefinite input/output stage costs that are of independent interest.Comment: Extended version of accepted paper in Transaction on Automatic Control, 2021. Contains the following additional results: Exponential bounds on the suboptimality index using an observability condition and an extension of the derived theory to the noisy error feedback cas

    A nonlinear model predictive control framework using reference generic terminal ingredients -- extended version

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    In this paper, we present a quasi infinite horizon nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) scheme for tracking of generic reference trajectories. This scheme is applicable to nonlinear systems, which are locally incrementally stabilizable. For such systems, we provide a reference generic offline procedure to compute an incrementally stabilizing feedback with a continuously parameterized quadratic quasi infinite horizon terminal cost. As a result we get a nonlinear reference tracking MPC scheme with a valid terminal cost for general reachable reference trajectories without increasing the online computational complexity. As a corollary, the terminal cost can also be used to design nonlinear MPC schemes that reliably operate under online changing conditions, including unreachable reference signals. The practicality of this approach is demonstrated with a benchmark example. This paper is an extended version of the accepted paper [1], and contains additional details regarding \textit{robust} trajectory tracking (App.~B), continuous-time dynamics (App.~C), output tracking stage costs (App.~D) and the connection to incremental system properties (App.~A).Comment: Extended version of accepted paper in Transaction on Automatic Control, 2020. Contains additional details in the appendix regarding robust trajectory tracking, continuous-time dynamics, output tracking stage costs and incremental system propertie