1,247 research outputs found

    More on the skew-spectra of bipartite graphs and Cartesian products of graphs

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    Given a graph GG, let GσG^\sigma be an oriented graph of GG with the orientation σ\sigma and skew-adjacency matrix S(Gσ)S(G^\sigma). Then the spectrum of S(Gσ)S(G^\sigma) is called the skew-spectrum of GσG^\sigma, denoted by SpS(Gσ)Sp_S(G^\sigma). It is known that a graph GG is bipartite if and only if there is an orientation σ\sigma of GG such that SpS(Gσ)=iSp(G)Sp_S(G^\sigma)=iSp(G). In [D. Cui, Y. Hou, On the skew spectra of Cartesian products of graphs, Electron. J. Combin. 20(2013), #P19], Cui and Hou conjectured that such orientation of a bipartite graph is unique under switching-equivalence. In this paper, we prove that the conjecture is true. Moreover, we give an orientation of the Cartesian product of a bipartite graph and a graph, and then determine the skew-spectrum of the resulting oriented product graph, which generalizes Cui and Hou's result, and can be used to construct more oriented graphs with maximum skew energy.Comment: 9 page

    Skew-spectra and skew energy of various products of graphs

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    Given a graph GG, let GΟƒG^\sigma be an oriented graph of GG with the orientation Οƒ\sigma and skew-adjacency matrix S(GΟƒ)S(G^\sigma). Then the spectrum of S(GΟƒ)S(G^\sigma) consisting of all the eigenvalues of S(GΟƒ)S(G^\sigma) is called the skew-spectrum of GΟƒG^\sigma, denoted by Sp(GΟƒ)Sp(G^\sigma). The skew energy of the oriented graph GΟƒG^\sigma, denoted by ES(GΟƒ)\mathcal{E}_S(G^\sigma), is defined as the sum of the norms of all the eigenvalues of S(GΟƒ)S(G^\sigma). In this paper, we give orientations of the Kronecker product HβŠ—GH\otimes G and the strong product Hβˆ—GH\ast G of HH and GG where HH is a bipartite graph and GG is an arbitrary graph. Then we determine the skew-spectra of the resultant oriented graphs. As applications, we construct new families of oriented graphs with maximum skew energy. Moreover, we consider the skew energy of the orientation of the lexicographic product H[G]H[G] of a bipartite graph HH and a graph GG.Comment: 11 page

    Power domination and zero forcing

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    The power domination number arises from the monitoring of electrical networks and its determination is an important problem. Upper bounds for power domination numbers can be obtained by constructions. Lower bounds for the power domination number of several families of graphs are known, but they usually arise from specific properties of each family and the methods do not generalize. In this paper we exploit the relationship between power domination and zero forcing to obtain the first general lower bound for the power domination number. We apply this bound to obtain results for both the power domination of tensor products and the zero-forcing number of lexicographic products of graphs. We also establish results for the zero forcing number of tensor products and Cartesian products of graphs

    Energy of signed digraphs

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    In this paper we extend the concept of energy to signed digraphs. We obtain Coulson's integral formula for energy of signed digraphs. Formulae for energies of signed directed cycles are computed and it is shown that energy of non cycle balanced signed directed cycles increases monotonically with respect to number of vertices. Characterization of signed digraphs having energy equal to zero is given. We extend the concept of non complete extended pp sum (or briefly, NEPS) to signed digraphs. An infinite family of equienergetic signed digraphs is constructed. Moreover, we extend McClelland's inequality to signed digraphs and also obtain sharp upper bound for energy of signed digraph in terms the number of arcs. Some open problems are also given at the end.Comment: 19 page

    The skew-rank of oriented graphs

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    An oriented graph GσG^\sigma is a digraph without loops and multiple arcs, where GG is called the underlying graph of GσG^\sigma. Let S(Gσ)S(G^\sigma) denote the skew-adjacency matrix of GσG^\sigma. The rank of the skew-adjacency matrix of GσG^\sigma is called the {\it skew-rank} of GσG^\sigma, denoted by sr(Gσ)sr(G^\sigma). The skew-adjacency matrix of an oriented graph is skew symmetric and the skew-rank is even. In this paper we consider the skew-rank of simple oriented graphs. Firstly we give some preliminary results about the skew-rank. Secondly we characterize the oriented graphs with skew-rank 2 and characterize the oriented graphs with pendant vertices which attain the skew-rank 4. As a consequence, we list the oriented unicyclic graphs, the oriented bicyclic graphs with pendant vertices which attain the skew-rank 4. Moreover, we determine the skew-rank of oriented unicyclic graphs of order nn with girth kk in terms of matching number. We investigate the minimum value of the skew-rank among oriented unicyclic graphs of order nn with girth kk and characterize oriented unicyclic graphs attaining the minimum value. In addition, we consider oriented unicyclic graphs whose skew-adjacency matrices are nonsingular.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    On Cartesian product of matrices

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    Recently, Bapat and Kurata [\textit{Linear Algebra Appl.}, 562(2019), 135-153] defined the Cartesian product of two square matrices AA and BB as A\oslash B=A\otimes \J+\J\otimes B, where \J is the all one matrix of appropriate order and βŠ—\otimes is the Kronecker product. In this article, we find the expression for the trace of the Cartesian product of any finite number of square matrices in terms of traces of the individual matrices. Also, we establish some identities involving the Cartesian product of matrices. Finally, we apply the Cartesian product to study some graph-theoretic properties.Comment: 14 page

    Hermitian adjacency matrix of digraphs and mixed graphs

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    The paper gives a thorough introduction to spectra of digraphs via its Hermitian adjacency matrix. This matrix is indexed by the vertices of the digraph, and the entry corresponding to an arc from xx to yy is equal to the complex unity ii (and its symmetric entry is βˆ’i-i) if the reverse arc yxyx is not present. We also allow arcs in both directions and unoriented edges, in which case we use 11 as the entry. This allows to use the definition also for mixed graphs. This matrix has many nice properties; it has real eigenvalues and the interlacing theorem holds for a digraph and its induced subdigraphs. Besides covering the basic properties, we discuss many differences from the properties of eigenvalues of undirected graphs and develop basic theory. The main novel results include the following. Several surprising facts are discovered about the spectral radius; some consequences of the interlacing property are obtained; operations that preserve the spectrum are discussed -- they give rise to an incredible number of cospectral digraphs; for every 0≀α≀30\le\alpha\le\sqrt{3}, all digraphs whose spectrum is contained in the interval (βˆ’Ξ±,Ξ±)(-\alpha,\alpha) are determined.Comment: 35 pages, submitted to JG

    Spectra and energy of bipartite signed digraphs

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    The set of distinct eigenvalues of a signed digraph SS together with their multiplicities is called its spectrum. The energy of a signed digraph SS with eigenvalues z1,z2,⋯ ,znz_1,z_2,\cdots,z_n is defined as E(S)=βˆ‘j=1nβˆ£β„œzj∣E(S)=\sum_{j=1}^{n}|\Re z_j|, where β„œzj\Re z_j denotes real part of complex number zjz_j. In this paper, we show that the characteristic polynomial of a bipartite signed digraph of order nn with each cycle of length ≑0(mod4)\equiv 0\pmod 4 negative and each cycle of length ≑2(mod4)\equiv 2\pmod 4 positive is of the form \\ Ο•S(z)=zn+βˆ‘j=1⌊n2βŒ‹(βˆ’1)jc2j(S)znβˆ’2j,\phi_S(z)=z^n+\sum\limits_{j=1}^{\lfloor{\frac{n}{2}}\rfloor}(-1)^j c_{2j}(S)z^{n-2j},\\ where c2j(S)c_{2j}(S) are nonnegative integers. We define a quasi-order relation in this case and show energy is increasing. It is shown that the characteristic polynomial of a bipartite signed digraph of order nn with each cycle negative has the form Ο•S(z)=zn+βˆ‘j=1⌊n2βŒ‹c2j(S)znβˆ’2j,\phi_S(z)=z^n+\sum\limits_{j=1}^{\lfloor{\frac{n}{2}}\rfloor}c_{2j}(S)z^{n-2j}, where c2j(S)c_{2j}(S) are nonnegative integers. We study integral, real, Gaussian signed digraphs and quasi-cospectral digraphs and show for each positive integer nβ‰₯4n\ge 4 there exists a family of nn cospectral, non symmetric, strongly connected, integral, real, Gaussian signed digraphs (non cycle balanced) and quasi-cospectral digraphs of order 4n4^n. We obtain a new family of pairs of equienergetic strongly connected signed digraphs and answer to open problem (2)(2) posed in Pirzada and Mushtaq, Energy of signed digraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 169 (2014) 195-205.Comment: 23 page

    The Hopf algebra of skew shapes, torsion sheaves on A^n/F_1, and ideals in Hall algebras of monoid representations

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    We study ideals in Hall algebras of monoid representations on pointed sets corresponding to certain conditions on the representations. These conditions include the property that the monoid act via partial permutations, that the representation possess a compatible grading, and conditions on the support of the module. Quotients by these ideals lead to combinatorial Hopf algebras which can be interpreted as Hall algebras of certain sub-categories of modules. In the case of the free commutative monoid on n generators, we obtain a co-commutative Hopf algebra structure on nn-dimensional skew shapes, whose underlying associative product amounts to a "stacking" operation on the skew shapes. The primitive elements of this Hopf algebra correspond to connected skew shapes, and form a graded Lie algebra by anti-symmetrizing the associative product. We interpret this Hopf algebra as the Hall algebra of a certain category of coherent torsion sheaves on A/F1n\mathbb{A}_{/ \mathbb{F}_1}^n supported at the origin, where F1\mathbb{F}_1 denotes the field of one element. This Hopf algebra may be viewed as an nn-dimensional generalization of the Hopf algebra of symmetric functions, which corresponds to the case n=1n=1

    A survey on the skew energy of oriented graphs

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    Let GG be a simple undirected graph with adjacency matrix A(G)A(G). The energy of GG is defined as the sum of absolute values of all eigenvalues of A(G)A(G), which was introduced by Gutman in 1970s. Since graph energy has important chemical applications, it causes great concern and has many generalizations. The skew energy and skew energy-like are the generalizations in oriented graphs. Let GσG^\sigma be an oriented graph of GG with skew adjacency matrix S(Gσ)S(G^\sigma). The skew energy of GσG^\sigma, denoted by ES(Gσ)\mathcal{E}_S(G^\sigma), is defined as the sum of the norms of all eigenvalues of S(Gσ)S(G^\sigma), which was introduced by Adiga, Balakrishnan and So in 2010. In this paper, we summarize main results on the skew energy of oriented graphs. Some open problems are proposed for further study. Besides, results on the skew energy-like: the skew Laplacian energy and skew Randi\'{c} energy are also surveyed at the end.Comment: This will appear as a chapter in Mathematical Chemistry Monograph No.17: Energies of Graphs -- Theory and Applications, edited by I. Gutman and X. L
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