4 research outputs found

    Exact Security Analysis of ASCON

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    The Ascon cipher suite, offering both authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) and hashing functionality, has recently emerged as the winner of the NIST Lightweight Cryptography (LwC) standardization process. The AEAD schemes within Ascon, namely Ascon-128 and Ascon-128a, have also been previously selected as the preferred lightweight authenticated encryption solutions in the CAESAR competition. In this paper, we present a tight and comprehensive security analysis of the Ascon AEAD schemes within the random permutation model. Existing integrity analyses of Ascon (and any Duplex AEAD scheme in general) commonly include the term DT/2cDT/2^c, where DD and TT represent data and time complexities respectively, and cc denotes the capacity of the underlying sponge. In this paper, we demonstrate that Ascon achieves AE security when TT is bounded by min{2κ,2c}\min\{2^{\kappa}, 2^c\} (where κ\kappa is the key size), and DTDT is limited to 2b2^b (with bb being the size of the underlying permutation, which is 320 for Ascon). Our findings indicate that in accordance with NIST requirements, Ascon allows for a tag size as low as 64 bits while enabling a higher rate of 192 bits, surpassing the recommended rate

    Revisiting the Security of COMET Authenticated Encryption Scheme

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    COMETv1, by Gueron, Jha and Nandi, is a mode of operation for nonce-based authenticated encryption with associated data functionality. It was one of the second round candidates in the ongoing NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Process. In this paper, we study a generalized version of COMETv1, that we call gCOMET, from provable security perspective. First, we present a comprehensive and complete security proof for gCOMET in the ideal cipher model. Second, we view COMET, the underlying mode of operation in COMETv1, as an instantiation of gCOMET, and derive its concrete security bounds. Finally, we propose another instantiation of gCOMET, dubbed COMETv2, and show that this version achieves better security guarantees as well as memory-efficient implementations as compared to COMETv1

    Designing Full-Rate Sponge based AEAD modes

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    Sponge based constructions have gained significant popularity for designing lightweight authenticated encryption modes. Most of the authenticated ciphers following the Sponge paradigm can be viewed as variations of the Transform-then-permute construction. It is known that a construction following the Transform-then-permute paradigm provides security against any adversary having data complexity DD and time complexity TT as long as DT2brDT \ll 2^{b-r}. Here, bb represents the size of the underlying permutation, while rr pertains to the rate at which the message is injected. The above result demonstrates that an increase in the rate leads to a degradation in the security of the constructions, with no security guaranteed to constructions operating at the full rate, where r=br=b. This present study delves into the exploration of whether adding some auxiliary states could potentially improve the security of the Transform-then-permute construction. Our investigation yields an affirmative response, demonstrating that a special class of full rate Transform-then-permute with additional states, dubbed frTtP+, can indeed attain security when operated under a suitable feedback function and properly initialized additional state. To be precise, we prove that frTtP+ provides security as long as D2s/2D \ll 2^{s/2} and T2sT \ll 2^{s}, where ss denotes the size of the auxiliary state in terms of bits. To demonstrate the applicability of this result, we show that the construction OrangeZestmodOrange-Zest_{mod} belongs to this class, thereby obtaining the desired security. In addition, we propose a family of full-rate Transform-then-permute construction with a Beetle-like feedback function, dubbed \textsf{fr-Beetle}, which also achieves the same level of security

    On the Security of Sponge-type Authenticated Encryption Modes

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    The sponge duplex is a popular mode of operation for constructing authenticated encryption schemes. In fact, one can assess the popularity of this mode from the fact that around 25 out of the 56 round 1 submissions to the ongoing NIST lightweight cryptography (LwC) standardization process are based on this mode. Among these, 14 sponge-type constructions are selected for the second round consisting of 32 submissions. In this paper, we generalize the duplexing interface of the duplex mode, which we call Transform-then-Permute. It encompasses Beetle as well as a new sponge-type mode SpoC (both are round 2 submissions to NIST LwC). We show a tight security bound for Transform-then-Permute based on b-bit permutation, which reduces to finding an exact estimation of the expected number of multi-chains (defined in this paper). As a corollary of our general result, authenticated encryption advantage of Beetle and SpoC is about T(D+r2r)/2b where T, D and r denotes the number of offline queries (related to time complexity of the attack), number of construction queries (related to data complexity) and rate of the construction (related to efficiency). Previously the same bound has been proved for Beetle under the limitation that T << min{2r, 2b/2} (that compels to choose larger permutation with higher rate). In the context of NIST LwC requirement, SpoC based on 192-bit permutation achieves the desired security with 64-bit rate, which is not achieved by either duplex or Beetle (as per the previous analysis)