8 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Capacity

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    Every channel can be expressed as a convex combination of deterministic channels with each deterministic channel corresponding to one particular intrinsic state. Such convex combinations are in general not unique, each giving rise to a specific intrinsic-state distribution. In this paper we study the maximum and the minimum capacities of a channel when the realization of its intrinsic state is causally available at the encoder and/or the decoder. Several conclusive results are obtained for binary-input channels and binary-output channels. Byproducts of our investigation include a generalization of the Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem and a condition on the uselessness of causal state information at the encoder.Comment: v0.6.3.677d35, 28 pages, 5 figures, submitted for publication, to be presented in part at ISIT 201

    A Technique for Deriving One-Shot Achievability Results in Network Information Theory

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    This paper proposes a novel technique to prove a one-shot version of achievability results in network information theory. The technique is not based on covering and packing lemmas. In this technique, we use an stochastic encoder and decoder with a particular structure for coding that resembles both the ML and the joint-typicality coders. Although stochastic encoders and decoders do not usually enhance the capacity region, their use simplifies the analysis. The Jensen inequality lies at the heart of error analysis, which enables us to deal with the expectation of many terms coming from stochastic encoders and decoders at once. The technique is illustrated via several examples: point-to-point channel coding, Gelfand-Pinsker, Broadcast channel (Marton), Berger-Tung, Heegard-Berger/Kaspi, Multiple description coding and Joint source-channel coding over a MAC. Most of our one-shot results are new. The asymptotic forms of these expressions is the same as that of classical results. Our one-shot bounds in conjunction with multi-dimensional Berry-Essen CLT imply new results in the finite blocklength regime. In particular applying the one-shot result for the memoryless broadcast channel in the asymptotic case, we get the entire region of Marton's inner bound without any need for time-sharing.Comment: A short version has been submitted to ISIT 201

    A Source-Channel Separation Theorem with Application to the Source Broadcast Problem

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    A converse method is developed for the source broadcast problem. Specifically, it is shown that the separation architecture is optimal for a variant of the source broadcast problem and the associated source-channel separation theorem can be leveraged, via a reduction argument, to establish a necessary condition for the original problem, which unifies several existing results in the literature. Somewhat surprisingly, this method, albeit based on the source-channel separation theorem, can be used to prove the optimality of non-separation based schemes and determine the performance limits in certain scenarios where the separation architecture is suboptimal.Comment: 10 page

    Robust Distributed Compression of Symmetrically Correlated Gaussian Sources

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    Consider a lossy compression system with â„“\ell distributed encoders and a centralized decoder. Each encoder compresses its observed source and forwards the compressed data to the decoder for joint reconstruction of the target signals under the mean squared error distortion constraint. It is assumed that the observed sources can be expressed as the sum of the target signals and the corruptive noises, which are generated independently from two symmetric multivariate Gaussian distributions. Depending on the parameters of such distributions, the rate-distortion limit of this system is characterized either completely or at least for sufficiently low distortions. The results are further extended to the robust distributed compression setting, where the outputs of a subset of encoders may also be used to produce a non-trivial reconstruction of the corresponding target signals. In particular, we obtain in the high-resolution regime a precise characterization of the minimum achievable reconstruction distortion based on the outputs of k+1k+1 or more encoders when every kk out of all â„“\ell encoders are operated collectively in the same mode that is greedy in the sense of minimizing the distortion incurred by the reconstruction of the corresponding kk target signals with respect to the average rate of these kk encoders

    Lattice-based Robust Distributed Source Coding

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    In this paper, we propose a lattice-based robust distributed source coding system for two correlated sources and provide a detailed performance analysis under the high resolution assumption. It is shown, among other things, that, in the asymptotic regime where 1) the side distortion approaches 0 and 2) the ratio between the central and side distortions approaches 0, our scheme is capable of achieving the information-theoretic limit of quadratic multiple description coding when the two sources are identical, whereas a variant of the random coding scheme by Chen and Berger with Gaussian codes has a performance loss of 0.5 bits relative to this limit

    Combinatorial Message Sharing and a New Achievable Region for Multiple Descriptions

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    This paper presents a new achievable rate-distortion region for the general L channel multiple descriptions problem. A well known general region for this problem is due to Venkataramani, Kramer and Goyal (VKG) [1]. Their encoding scheme is an extension of the El-Gamal-Cover (EC) and Zhang- Berger (ZB) coding schemes to the L channel case and includes a combinatorial number of refinement codebooks, one for each subset of the descriptions. As in ZB, the scheme also allows for a single common codeword to be shared by all descriptions. This paper proposes a novel encoding technique involving Combinatorial Message Sharing (CMS), where every subset of the descriptions may share a distinct common message. This introduces a combinatorial number of shared codebooks along with the refinement codebooks of [1]. We derive an achievable rate-distortion region for the proposed technique, and show that it subsumes the VKG region for general sources and distortion measures. We further show that CMS provides a strict improvement of the achievable region for any source and distortion measures for which some 2-description subset is such that ZB achieves points outside the EC region. We then show a more surprising result: CMS outperforms VKG for a general class of sources and distortion measures, including scenarios where the ZB and EC regions coincide for all 2-description subsets. In particular, we show that CMS strictly improves on VKG, for the L-channel quadratic Gaussian MD problem, for all L greater than or equal to 3, despite the fact that the EC region is complete for the corresponding 2-descriptions problem. Using the encoding principles derived, we show that the CMS scheme achieves the complete rate-distortion region for several asymmetric cross-sections of the L-channel quadratic Gaussian MD problem

    An Achievable Rate-Distortion Region for Multiple Descriptions Source Coding Based on Coset Codes

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    We consider the problem of multiple descriptions (MD) source coding and propose new coding strategies involving both unstructured and structured coding layers. Previously, the most general achievable rate-distortion (RD) region for the ll-descriptions problem was the Combinatorial Message Sharing with Binning (CMSB) region. The CMSB scheme utilizes unstructured quantizers and unstructured binning. In the first part of the paper, we show that this strategy can be improved upon using more general unstructured quantizers and a more general unstructured binning method. In the second part, structured coding strategies are considered. First, structured coding strategies are developed by considering specific MD examples involving three or more descriptions. We show that application of structured quantizers results in strict RD improvements when there are more than two descriptions. Furthermore, we show that structured binning also yields improvements. These improvements are in addition to the ones derived in the first part of the paper. This suggests that structured coding is essential when coding over more than two descriptions. Using the ideas developed through these examples we provide a new unified coding strategy by considering several structured coding layers. Finally, we characterize its performance in the form of an inner bound to the optimal rate-distortion region using computable single-letter information quantities. The new RD region strictly contains all of the previous known achievable regions

    On the Role of the Refinement Layer in Multiple Description Coding and Scalable Coding

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    Abstract—We clarify the relationship among several existing achievable multiple description rate-distortion regions by investigating the role of refinement layer in multiple description coding. Specifically, we show that the refinement layer in the El Gamal-Cover (EGC) scheme and the Venkataramani–Kramer–Goyal (VKG) scheme can be removed; as a consequence, the EGC region is equivalent to the EGC * region (an antecedent version of the EGC region) while the VKG region (when specialized to the 2-description case) is equivalent to the Zhang–Berger (ZB) region. Moreover, we prove that for multiple description coding with individual and hierarchical distortion constraints, the number of layers in the VKG scheme can be significantly reduced when only certain weighted sum rates are concerned. The role of refinement layer in scalable coding (a special case of multiple description coding) is also studied. Index Terms—Contra-polymatroid, multiple description coding, rate-distortion region, scalable coding, successive refinement. I