122 research outputs found

    Profinite lambda-terms and parametricity

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    Combining ideas coming from Stone duality and Reynolds parametricity, we formulate in a clean and principled way a notion of profinite lambda-term which, we show, generalizes at every type the traditional notion of profinite word coming from automata theory. We start by defining the Stone space of profinite lambda-terms as a projective limit of finite sets of usual lambda-terms, considered modulo a notion of equivalence based on the finite standard model. One main contribution of the paper is to establish that, somewhat surprisingly, the resulting notion of profinite lambda-term coming from Stone duality lives in perfect harmony with the principles of Reynolds parametricity. In addition, we show that the notion of profinite lambda-term is compositional by constructing a cartesian closed category of profinite lambda-terms, and we establish that the embedding from lambda-terms modulo beta-eta-conversion to profinite lambda-terms is faithful using Statman's finite completeness theorem. Finally, we prove that the traditional Church encoding of finite words into lambda-terms can be extended to profinite words, and leads to a homeomorphism between the space of profinite words and the space of profinite lambda-terms of the corresponding Church type

    Boolean like algebras

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    Using Vaggione’s concept of central element in a double pointed algebra, we introduce the notion of Boolean like variety as a generalization of Boolean algebras to an arbitrary similarity type. Appropriately relaxing the requirement that every element be central in any member of the variety, we obtain the more general class of semi-Boolean like varieties, which still retain many of the pleasing properties of Boolean algebras. We prove that a double pointed variety is discriminator i↵ it is semi-Boolean like, idempotent, and 0-regular. This theorem yields a new Maltsev-style characterization of double pointed discriminator varieties. Moreover, we show that every idempotent semi-Boolean-like variety is term equivalent to a variety of noncommutative Boolean algebras with additional regular operations

    Classification in finite model theory

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    Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum : Tomus 55. Fasc. 3-4.

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    On Noncommutative Generalisations of Boolean Algebras

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    Skew Boolean algebras (SBA) and Boolean-like algebras (nBA) are one-pointed and n-pointed noncommutative generalisation of Boolean algebras, respectively. We show that any nBA is a cluster of n isomorphic right-handed SBAs, axiomatised here as the variety of skew star algebras. The variety of skew star algebras is shown to be term equivalent to the variety of nBAs. We use SBAs in order to develop a general theory of multideals for nBAs. We also provide a representation theorem for right-handed SBAs in terms of nBAs of n-partitions

    Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum : Tomus 55. Fasc. 1-2.

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    Guide to Discrete Mathematics

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    Recent results and open problems on CIS Graphs

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    Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum : Tomus 56. Fasc. 1-2.

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