17,173 research outputs found

    Graph Convolutional Encoders for Syntax-aware Neural Machine Translation

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    We present a simple and effective approach to incorporating syntactic structure into neural attention-based encoder-decoder models for machine translation. We rely on graph-convolutional networks (GCNs), a recent class of neural networks developed for modeling graph-structured data. Our GCNs use predicted syntactic dependency trees of source sentences to produce representations of words (i.e. hidden states of the encoder) that are sensitive to their syntactic neighborhoods. GCNs take word representations as input and produce word representations as output, so they can easily be incorporated as layers into standard encoders (e.g., on top of bidirectional RNNs or convolutional neural networks). We evaluate their effectiveness with English-German and English-Czech translation experiments for different types of encoders and observe substantial improvements over their syntax-agnostic versions in all the considered setups

    Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

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    The prevalent approach to sequence to sequence learning maps an input sequence to a variable length output sequence via recurrent neural networks. We introduce an architecture based entirely on convolutional neural networks. Compared to recurrent models, computations over all elements can be fully parallelized during training and optimization is easier since the number of non-linearities is fixed and independent of the input length. Our use of gated linear units eases gradient propagation and we equip each decoder layer with a separate attention module. We outperform the accuracy of the deep LSTM setup of Wu et al. (2016) on both WMT'14 English-German and WMT'14 English-French translation at an order of magnitude faster speed, both on GPU and CPU

    An Introductory Survey on Attention Mechanisms in NLP Problems

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    First derived from human intuition, later adapted to machine translation for automatic token alignment, attention mechanism, a simple method that can be used for encoding sequence data based on the importance score each element is assigned, has been widely applied to and attained significant improvement in various tasks in natural language processing, including sentiment classification, text summarization, question answering, dependency parsing, etc. In this paper, we survey through recent works and conduct an introductory summary of the attention mechanism in different NLP problems, aiming to provide our readers with basic knowledge on this widely used method, discuss its different variants for different tasks, explore its association with other techniques in machine learning, and examine methods for evaluating its performance.Comment: 9 page

    Deep Learning applied to NLP

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    Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs) are typically associated with Computer Vision. CNNs are responsible for major breakthroughs in Image Classification and are the core of most Computer Vision systems today. More recently CNNs have been applied to problems in Natural Language Processing and gotten some interesting results. In this paper, we will try to explain the basics of CNNs, its different variations and how they have been applied to NLP

    Neural-based machine translation for medical text domain. Based on European Medicines Agency leaflet texts

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    The quality of machine translation is rapidly evolving. Today one can find several machine translation systems on the web that provide reasonable translations, although the systems are not perfect. In some specific domains, the quality may decrease. A recently proposed approach to this domain is neural machine translation. It aims at building a jointly-tuned single neural network that maximizes translation performance, a very different approach from traditional statistical machine translation. Recently proposed neural machine translation models often belong to the encoder-decoder family in which a source sentence is encoded into a fixed length vector that is, in turn, decoded to generate a translation. The present research examines the effects of different training methods on a Polish-English Machine Translation system used for medical data. The European Medicines Agency parallel text corpus was used as the basis for training of neural and statistical network-based translation systems. The main machine translation evaluation metrics have also been used in analysis of the systems. A comparison and implementation of a real-time medical translator is the main focus of our experiments.Comment: machine translation, statistical machine translation, neural machine trasnlation, nlp, text processing, medical communicatio

    What do you learn from context? Probing for sentence structure in contextualized word representations

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    Contextualized representation models such as ELMo (Peters et al., 2018a) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) have recently achieved state-of-the-art results on a diverse array of downstream NLP tasks. Building on recent token-level probing work, we introduce a novel edge probing task design and construct a broad suite of sub-sentence tasks derived from the traditional structured NLP pipeline. We probe word-level contextual representations from four recent models and investigate how they encode sentence structure across a range of syntactic, semantic, local, and long-range phenomena. We find that existing models trained on language modeling and translation produce strong representations for syntactic phenomena, but only offer comparably small improvements on semantic tasks over a non-contextual baseline.Comment: ICLR 2019 camera-ready version, 17 pages including appendice

    Syntax-based Attention Model for Natural Language Inference

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    Introducing attentional mechanism in neural network is a powerful concept, and has achieved impressive results in many natural language processing tasks. However, most of the existing models impose attentional distribution on a flat topology, namely the entire input representation sequence. Clearly, any well-formed sentence has its accompanying syntactic tree structure, which is a much rich topology. Applying attention to such topology not only exploits the underlying syntax, but also makes attention more interpretable. In this paper, we explore this direction in the context of natural language inference. The results demonstrate its efficacy. We also perform extensive qualitative analysis, deriving insights and intuitions of why and how our model works.Comment: Submitted to EMNLP 201

    Neural machine translation for low-resource languages

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    Neural machine translation (NMT) approaches have improved the state of the art in many machine translation settings over the last couple of years, but they require large amounts of training data to produce sensible output. We demonstrate that NMT can be used for low-resource languages as well, by introducing more local dependencies and using word alignments to learn sentence reordering during translation. In addition to our novel model, we also present an empirical evaluation of low-resource phrase-based statistical machine translation (SMT) and NMT to investigate the lower limits of the respective technologies. We find that while SMT remains the best option for low-resource settings, our method can produce acceptable translations with only 70000 tokens of training data, a level where the baseline NMT system fails completely.Comment: rejected from EMNLP 201

    Entity Candidate Network for Whole-Aware Named Entity Recognition

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    Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a crucial upstream task in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Traditional tag scheme approaches offer a single recognition that does not meet the needs of many downstream tasks such as coreference resolution. Meanwhile, Tag scheme approaches ignore the continuity of entities. Inspired by one-stage object detection models in computer vision (CV), this paper proposes a new no-tag scheme, the Whole-Aware Detection, which makes NER an object detection task. Meanwhile, this paper presents a novel model, Entity Candidate Network (ECNet), and a specific convolution network, Adaptive Context Convolution Network (ACCN), to fuse multi-scale contexts and encode entity information at each position. ECNet identifies the full span of a named entity and its type at each position based on Entity Loss. Furthermore, ECNet is regulable between the highest precision and the highest recall, while the tag scheme approaches are not. Experimental results on the CoNLL 2003 English dataset and the WNUT 2017 dataset show that ECNet outperforms other previous state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Analysis Methods in Neural Language Processing: A Survey

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    The field of natural language processing has seen impressive progress in recent years, with neural network models replacing many of the traditional systems. A plethora of new models have been proposed, many of which are thought to be opaque compared to their feature-rich counterparts. This has led researchers to analyze, interpret, and evaluate neural networks in novel and more fine-grained ways. In this survey paper, we review analysis methods in neural language processing, categorize them according to prominent research trends, highlight existing limitations, and point to potential directions for future work.Comment: Version including the supplementary materials (3 tables), also available at https://boknilev.github.io/nlp-analysis-method
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