6 research outputs found

    Path-search in the pyramid and in other graphs

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    We are given an acyclic directed graph with one source, and a subset of its edges which contains exactly one outgoing edge for every non-sink vertex. These edges determine a unique path from the source to a sink. We can think of it as a switch in every vertex, which determines which way the water arriving to that vertex flows further. We are interested in determining either the sink the flow arrives, or the whole path, with as few questions as possible. The questions we can ask correspond to the vertices of the graph, and the answer describes the switch, i.e. tells which outgoing edge is in our given subset. Originally the problem was proposed by Soren Riis (who posed the question for pyramid graphs) in the following more general form. We are given a natural number k, and k questions can be asked in a round. The goal is to minimize the number of rounds. We completely solve this problem for complete t-ary trees. Also, for pyramid graphs we present some non-trivial partial results

    Quantum and Randomized Lower Bounds for Local Search on Vertex-Transitive Graphs

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    We study the problem of \emph{local search} on a graph. Given a real-valued black-box function f on the graph's vertices, this is the problem of determining a local minimum of f--a vertex v for which f(v) is no more than f evaluated at any of v's neighbors. In 1983, Aldous gave the first strong lower bounds for the problem, showing that any randomized algorithm requires Ω(2n/2o(1))\Omega(2^{n/2 - o(1)}) queries to determine a local minima on the n-dimensional hypercube. The next major step forward was not until 2004 when Aaronson, introducing a new method for query complexity bounds, both strengthened this lower bound to Ω(2n/2/n2)\Omega(2^{n/2}/n^2) and gave an analogous lower bound on the quantum query complexity. While these bounds are very strong, they are known only for narrow families of graphs (hypercubes and grids). We show how to generalize Aaronson's techniques in order to give randomized (and quantum) lower bounds on the query complexity of local search for the family of vertex-transitive graphs. In particular, we show that for any vertex-transitive graph G of N vertices and diameter d, the randomized and quantum query complexities for local search on G are Ω(N1/2/dlogN)\Omega(N^{1/2}/d\log N) and Ω(N1/4/dlogN)\Omega(N^{1/4}/\sqrt{d\log N}), respectively

    Paths Beyond Local Search: A Nearly Tight Bound for Randomized Fixed-Point Computation

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    In 1983, Aldous proved that randomization can speedup local search. For example, it reduces the query complexity of local search over [1:n]^d from Theta (n^{d-1}) to O (d^{1/2}n^{d/2}). It remains open whether randomization helps fixed-point computation. Inspired by this open problem and recent advances on equilibrium computation, we have been fascinated by the following question: Is a fixed-point or an equilibrium fundamentally harder to find than a local optimum? In this paper, we give a nearly-tight bound of Omega(n)^{d-1} on the randomized query complexity for computing a fixed point of a discrete Brouwer function over [1:n]^d. Since the randomized query complexity of global optimization over [1:n]^d is Theta (n^{d}), the randomized query model over [1:n]^d strictly separates these three important search problems: Global optimization is harder than fixed-point computation, and fixed-point computation is harder than local search. Our result indeed demonstrates that randomization does not help much in fixed-point computation in the query model; the deterministic complexity of this problem is Theta (n^{d-1})

    How to trap a gradient flow

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    We consider the problem of finding an ε\varepsilon-approximate stationary point of a smooth function on a compact domain of Rd\mathbb{R}^d. In contrast with dimension-free approaches such as gradient descent, we focus here on the case where dd is finite, and potentially small. This viewpoint was explored in 1993 by Vavasis, who proposed an algorithm which, for any fixed finite dimension dd, improves upon the O(1/ε2)O(1/\varepsilon^2) oracle complexity of gradient descent. For example for d=2d=2, Vavasis' approach obtains the complexity O(1/ε)O(1/\varepsilon). Moreover for d=2d=2 he also proved a lower bound of Ω(1/ε)\Omega(1/\sqrt{\varepsilon}) for deterministic algorithms (we extend this result to randomized algorithms). Our main contribution is an algorithm, which we call gradient flow trapping (GFT), and the analysis of its oracle complexity. In dimension d=2d=2, GFT closes the gap with Vavasis' lower bound (up to a logarithmic factor), as we show that it has complexity O(log(1/ε)ε)O\left(\sqrt{\frac{\log(1/\varepsilon)}{\varepsilon}}\right). In dimension d=3d=3, we show a complexity of O(log(1/ε)ε)O\left(\frac{\log(1/\varepsilon)}{\varepsilon}\right), improving upon Vavasis' O(1/ε1.2)O\left(1 / \varepsilon^{1.2} \right). In higher dimensions, GFT has the remarkable property of being a logarithmic parallel depth strategy, in stark contrast with the polynomial depth of gradient descent or Vavasis' algorithm. In this higher dimensional regime, the total work of GFT improves quadratically upon the only other known polylogarithmic depth strategy for this problem, namely naive grid search. We augment this result with another algorithm, named \emph{cut and flow} (CF), which improves upon Vavasis' algorithm in any fixed dimension.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures. Added an improved algorithm for dimensions >

    The Communication Complexity of Local Search

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    We study the following communication variant of local search. There is some fixed, commonly known graph GG. Alice holds fAf_A and Bob holds fBf_B, both are functions that specify a value for each vertex. The goal is to find a local maximum of fA+fBf_A+f_B with respect to GG, i.e., a vertex vv for which (fA+fB)(v)(fA+fB)(u)(f_A+f_B)(v)\geq (f_A+f_B)(u) for every neighbor uu of vv. Our main result is that finding a local maximum requires polynomial (in the number of vertices) bits of communication. The result holds for the following families of graphs: three dimensional grids, hypercubes, odd graphs, and degree 4 graphs. Moreover, we provide an \emph{optimal} communication bound of Ω(N)\Omega(\sqrt{N}) for the hypercube, and for a constant dimensional greed, where NN is the number of vertices in the graph. We provide applications of our main result in two domains, exact potential games and combinatorial auctions. First, we show that finding a pure Nash equilibrium in 22-player NN-action exact potential games requires polynomial (in NN) communication. We also show that finding a pure Nash equilibrium in nn-player 22-action exact potential games requires exponential (in nn) communication. The second domain that we consider is combinatorial auctions, in which we prove that finding a local maximum in combinatorial auctions requires exponential (in the number of items) communication even when the valuations are submodular. Each one of the results demonstrates an exponential separation between the non-deterministic communication complexity and the randomized communication complexity of a total search problem

    The Query Complexity of Local Search and Brouwer in Rounds

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    We consider the query complexity of finding a local minimum of a function defined on a graph, where at most kk rounds of interaction with the oracle are allowed. Rounds model parallel settings, where each query takes resources to complete and is executed on a separate processor. Thus the query complexity in kk rounds informs how many processors are needed to achieve a parallel time of kk. We focus on the d-dimensional grid [n]d[n]^d, where the dimension dd is a constant, and consider two regimes for the number of rounds: constant and polynomial in n. We give algorithms and lower bounds that characterize the trade-off between the number of rounds of adaptivity and the query complexity of local search. When the number of rounds kk is constant, we show that the query complexity of local search in kk rounds is Θ(ndk+1dkdk1)\Theta\bigl(n^{\frac{d^{k+1} - d^k}{d^k - 1}}\bigl), for both deterministic and randomized algorithms. When the number of rounds is polynomial, i.e. k=nαk = n^{\alpha} for 0<α<d/20 < \alpha < d/2, the randomized query complexity is Θ(nd1d2dα)\Theta\left(n^{d-1 - \frac{d-2}{d}\alpha}\right) for all d5d \geq 5. For d=3d=3 and d=4d=4, we show the same upper bound expression holds and give almost matching lower bounds. The local search analysis also enables us to characterize the query complexity of computing a Brouwer fixed point in rounds. Our proof technique for lower bounding the query complexity in rounds may be of independent interest as an alternative to the classical relational adversary method of Aaronson from the fully adaptive setting