100 research outputs found

    On the Public Communication Needed to Achieve SK Capacity in the Multiterminal Source Model

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    The focus of this paper is on the public communication required for generating a maximal-rate secret key (SK) within the multiterminal source model of Csisz{\'a}r and Narayan. Building on the prior work of Tyagi for the two-terminal scenario, we derive a lower bound on the communication complexity, RSKR_{\text{SK}}, defined to be the minimum rate of public communication needed to generate a maximal-rate SK. It is well known that the minimum rate of communication for omniscience, denoted by RCOR_{\text{CO}}, is an upper bound on RSKR_{\text{SK}}. For the class of pairwise independent network (PIN) models defined on uniform hypergraphs, we show that a certain "Type S\mathcal{S}" condition, which is verifiable in polynomial time, guarantees that our lower bound on RSKR_{\text{SK}} meets the RCOR_{\text{CO}} upper bound. Thus, PIN models satisfying our condition are RSKR_{\text{SK}}-maximal, meaning that the upper bound RSKRCOR_{\text{SK}} \le R_{\text{CO}} holds with equality. This allows us to explicitly evaluate RSKR_{\text{SK}} for such PIN models. We also give several examples of PIN models that satisfy our Type S\mathcal S condition. Finally, we prove that for an arbitrary multiterminal source model, a stricter version of our Type S\mathcal S condition implies that communication from \emph{all} terminals ("omnivocality") is needed for establishing a SK of maximum rate. For three-terminal source models, the converse is also true: omnivocality is needed for generating a maximal-rate SK only if the strict Type S\mathcal S condition is satisfied. Counterexamples exist that show that the converse is not true in general for source models with four or more terminals.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0062

    Achieving SK Capacity in the Source Model: When Must All Terminals Talk?

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    In this paper, we address the problem of characterizing the instances of the multiterminal source model of Csisz\'ar and Narayan in which communication from all terminals is needed for establishing a secret key of maximum rate. We give an information-theoretic sufficient condition for identifying such instances. We believe that our sufficient condition is in fact an exact characterization, but we are only able to prove this in the case of the three-terminal source model. We also give a relatively simple criterion for determining whether or not our condition holds for a given multiterminal source model.Comment: A 5-page version of this paper was submitted to the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2014

    On the Communication Complexity of Secret Key Generation in the Multiterminal Source Model

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    Communication complexity refers to the minimum rate of public communication required for generating a maximal-rate secret key (SK) in the multiterminal source model of Csiszar and Narayan. Tyagi recently characterized this communication complexity for a two-terminal system. We extend the ideas in Tyagi's work to derive a lower bound on communication complexity in the general multiterminal setting. In the important special case of the complete graph pairwise independent network (PIN) model, our bound allows us to determine the exact linear communication complexity, i.e., the communication complexity when the communication and SK are restricted to be linear functions of the randomness available at the terminals.Comment: A 5-page version of this manuscript will be submitted to the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2014

    Secret Key Agreement under Discussion Rate Constraints

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    For the multiterminal secret key agreement problem, new single-letter lower bounds are obtained on the public discussion rate required to achieve any given secret key rate below the secrecy capacity. The results apply to general source model without helpers or wiretapper's side information but can be strengthened for hypergraphical sources. In particular, for the pairwise independent network, the results give rise to a complete characterization of the maximum secret key rate achievable under a constraint on the total discussion rate

    Compressed Secret Key Agreement: Maximizing Multivariate Mutual Information Per Bit

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    The multiterminal secret key agreement problem by public discussion is formulated with an additional source compression step where, prior to the public discussion phase, users independently compress their private sources to filter out strongly correlated components for generating a common secret key. The objective is to maximize the achievable key rate as a function of the joint entropy of the compressed sources. Since the maximum achievable key rate captures the total amount of information mutual to the compressed sources, an optimal compression scheme essentially maximizes the multivariate mutual information per bit of randomness of the private sources, and can therefore be viewed more generally as a dimension reduction technique. Single-letter lower and upper bounds on the maximum achievable key rate are derived for the general source model, and an explicit polynomial-time computable formula is obtained for the pairwise independent network model. In particular, the converse results and the upper bounds are obtained from those of the related secret key agreement problem with rate-limited discussion. A precise duality is shown for the two-user case with one-way discussion, and such duality is extended to obtain the desired converse results in the multi-user case. In addition to posing new challenges in information processing and dimension reduction, the compressed secret key agreement problem helps shed new light on resolving the difficult problem of secret key agreement with rate-limited discussion, by offering a more structured achieving scheme and some simpler conjectures to prove

    Polar Coding for Secret-Key Generation

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    Practical implementations of secret-key generation are often based on sequential strategies, which handle reliability and secrecy in two successive steps, called reconciliation and privacy amplification. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach based on polar codes that jointly deals with reliability and secrecy. Specifically, we propose secret-key capacity-achieving polar coding schemes for the following models: (i) the degraded binary memoryless source (DBMS) model with rate-unlimited public communication, (ii) the DBMS model with one-way rate-limited public communication, (iii) the 1-to-m broadcast model and (iv) the Markov tree model with uniform marginals. For models (i) and (ii) our coding schemes remain valid for non-degraded sources, although they may not achieve the secret-key capacity. For models (i), (ii) and (iii), our schemes rely on pre-shared secret seed of negligible rate; however, we provide special cases of these models for which no seed is required. Finally, we show an application of our results to secrecy and privacy for biometric systems. We thus provide the first examples of low-complexity secret-key capacity-achieving schemes that are able to handle vector quantization for model (ii), or multiterminal communication for models (iii) and (iv).Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; parts of the results were presented at the 2013 IEEE Information Theory Worksho