4 research outputs found

    CNN Encoder to Reduce the Dimensionality of Data Image for Motion Planning

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    Many real-world applications need path planning algorithms to solve tasks in different areas, such as social applications, autonomous cars, and tracking activities. And most importantly motion planning. Although the use of path planning is sufficient in most motion planning scenarios, they represent potential bottlenecks in large environments with dynamic changes. To tackle this problem, the number of possible routes could be reduced to make it easier for path planning algorithms to find the shortest path with less efforts. An traditional algorithm for path planning is the A*, it uses an heuristic to work faster than other solutions. In this work, we propose a CNN encoder capable of eliminating useless routes for motion planning problems, then we combine the proposed neural network output with A*. To measure the efficiency of our solution, we propose a database with different scenarios of motion planning problems. The evaluated metric is the number of the iterations to find the shortest path. The A* was compared with the CNN Encoder (proposal) with A*. In all evaluated scenarios, our solution reduced the number of iterations by more than 60\%

    Performance Improvement of Path Planning algorithms with Deep Learning Encoder Model

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    Currently, path planning algorithms are used in many daily tasks. They are relevant to find the best route in traffic and make autonomous robots able to navigate. The use of path planning presents some issues in large and dynamic environments. Large environments make these algorithms spend much time finding the shortest path. On the other hand, dynamic environments request a new execution of the algorithm each time a change occurs in the environment, and it increases the execution time. The dimensionality reduction appears as a solution to this problem, which in this context means removing useless paths present in those environments. Most of the algorithms that reduce dimensionality are limited to the linear correlation of the input data. Recently, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Encoder was used to overcome this situation since it can use both linear and non-linear information to data reduction. This paper analyzes in-depth the performance to eliminate the useless paths using this CNN Encoder model. To measure the mentioned model efficiency, we combined it with different path planning algorithms. Next, the final algorithms (combined and not combined) are checked in a database that is composed of five scenarios. Each scenario contains fixed and dynamic obstacles. Their proposed model, the CNN Encoder, associated to other existent path planning algorithms in the literature, was able to obtain a time decrease to find the shortest path in comparison to all path planning algorithms analyzed. the average decreased time was 54.43 %

    Provably efficient reconstruction of policy networks

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    Recent research has shown that learning poli-cies parametrized by large neural networks can achieve significant success on challenging reinforcement learning problems. However, when memory is limited, it is not always possible to store such models exactly for inference, and com-pressing the policy into a compact representation might be necessary. We propose a general framework for policy representation, which reduces this problem to finding a low-dimensional embedding of a given density function in a separable inner product space. Our framework allows us to de-rive strong theoretical guarantees, controlling the error of the reconstructed policies. Such guaran-tees are typically lacking in black-box models, but are very desirable in risk-sensitive tasks. Our experimental results suggest that the reconstructed policies can use less than 10%of the number of parameters in the original networks, while incurring almost no decrease in rewards

    Fast and Sample Efficient Inductive Matrix Completion via Multi-Phase Procrustes Flow

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    We revisit the inductive matrix completion problem that aims to recover a rank-rr matrix with ambient dimension dd given nn features as the side prior information. The goal is to make use of the known nn features to reduce sample and computational complexities. We present and analyze a new gradient-based non-convex optimization algorithm that converges to the true underlying matrix at a linear rate with sample complexity only linearly depending on nn and logarithmically depending on dd. To the best of our knowledge, all previous algorithms either have a quadratic dependency on the number of features in sample complexity or a sub-linear computational convergence rate. In addition, we provide experiments on both synthetic and real world data to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures and 2 table