165 research outputs found

    Joint Group Feature Selection and Discriminative Filter Learning for Robust Visual Object Tracking

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    We propose a new Group Feature Selection method for Discriminative Correlation Filters (GFS-DCF) based visual object tracking. The key innovation of the proposed method is to perform group feature selection across both channel and spatial dimensions, thus to pinpoint the structural relevance of multi-channel features to the filtering system. In contrast to the widely used spatial regularisation or feature selection methods, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that channel selection has been advocated for DCF-based tracking. We demonstrate that our GFS-DCF method is able to significantly improve the performance of a DCF tracker equipped with deep neural network features. In addition, our GFS-DCF enables joint feature selection and filter learning, achieving enhanced discrimination and interpretability of the learned filters. To further improve the performance, we adaptively integrate historical information by constraining filters to be smooth across temporal frames, using an efficient low-rank approximation. By design, specific temporal-spatial-channel configurations are dynamically learned in the tracking process, highlighting the relevant features, and alleviating the performance degrading impact of less discriminative representations and reducing information redundancy. The experimental results obtained on OTB2013, OTB2015, VOT2017, VOT2018 and TrackingNet demonstrate the merits of our GFS-DCF and its superiority over the state-of-the-art trackers. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/XU-TIANYANG/GFS-DCF

    An Accelerated Correlation Filter Tracker

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    Recent visual object tracking methods have witnessed a continuous improvement in the state-of-the-art with the development of efficient discriminative correlation filters (DCF) and robust deep neural network features. Despite the outstanding performance achieved by the above combination, existing advanced trackers suffer from the burden of high computational complexity of the deep feature extraction and online model learning. We propose an accelerated ADMM optimisation method obtained by adding a momentum to the optimisation sequence iterates, and by relaxing the impact of the error between DCF parameters and their norm. The proposed optimisation method is applied to an innovative formulation of the DCF design, which seeks the most discriminative spatially regularised feature channels. A further speed up is achieved by an adaptive initialisation of the filter optimisation process. The significantly increased convergence of the DCF filter is demonstrated by establishing the optimisation process equivalence with a continuous dynamical system for which the convergence properties can readily be derived. The experimental results obtained on several well-known benchmarking datasets demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed ACFT method, with a tracking accuracy comparable to the start-of-the-art trackers

    Unsupervised Green Object Tracker (GOT) without Offline Pre-training

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    Supervised trackers trained on labeled data dominate the single object tracking field for superior tracking accuracy. The labeling cost and the huge computational complexity hinder their applications on edge devices. Unsupervised learning methods have also been investigated to reduce the labeling cost but their complexity remains high. Aiming at lightweight high-performance tracking, feasibility without offline pre-training, and algorithmic transparency, we propose a new single object tracking method, called the green object tracker (GOT), in this work. GOT conducts an ensemble of three prediction branches for robust box tracking: 1) a global object-based correlator to predict the object location roughly, 2) a local patch-based correlator to build temporal correlations of small spatial units, and 3) a superpixel-based segmentator to exploit the spatial information of the target frame. GOT offers competitive tracking accuracy with state-of-the-art unsupervised trackers, which demand heavy offline pre-training, at a lower computation cost. GOT has a tiny model size (<3k parameters) and low inference complexity (around 58M FLOPs per frame). Since its inference complexity is between 0.1%-10% of DL trackers, it can be easily deployed on mobile and edge devices
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