2 research outputs found

    Implicit Acceleration and Feature Learning in Infinitely Wide Neural Networks with Bottlenecks

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    We analyze the learning dynamics of infinitely wide neural networks with a finite sized bottle-neck. Unlike the neural tangent kernel limit, a bottleneck in an otherwise infinite width network al-lows data dependent feature learning in its bottle-neck representation. We empirically show that a single bottleneck in infinite networks dramatically accelerates training when compared to purely in-finite networks, with an improved overall performance. We discuss the acceleration phenomena by drawing similarities to infinitely wide deep linear models, where the acceleration effect of a bottleneck can be understood theoretically

    On the asymptotics of wide networks with polynomial activations

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    We consider an existing conjecture addressing the asymptotic behavior of neural networks in the large width limit. The results that follow from this conjecture include tight bounds on the behavior of wide networks during stochastic gradient descent, and a derivation of their finite-width dynamics. We prove the conjecture for deep networks with polynomial activation functions, greatly extending the validity of these results. Finally, we point out a difference in the asymptotic behavior of networks with analytic (and non-linear) activation functions and those with piecewise-linear activations such as ReLU.Comment: 8+12 pages, 6 figures, 2 table