107 research outputs found

    Learning algebraic structures with the help of Borel equivalence relations

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    We study algorithmic learning of algebraic structures. In our framework, a learner receives larger and larger pieces of an arbitrary copy of a computable structure and, at each stage, is required to output a conjecture about the isomorphism type of such a structure. The learning is successful if the conjectures eventually stabilize to a correct guess. We prove that a family of structures is learnable if and only if its learning domain is continuously reducible to the relation E0 of eventual agreement on reals. This motivates a novel research program, that is, using descriptive set theoretic tools to calibrate the (learning) complexity of nonlearnable families. Here, we focus on the learning power of well-known benchmark Borel equivalence relations (i.e., E1, E2, E3, Z0, and Eset)
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