26 research outputs found

    Four-variable expanders over the prime fields

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    Let Fp\mathbb{F}_p be a prime field of order p>2p>2, and AA be a set in Fp\mathbb{F}_p with very small size in terms of pp. In this note, we show that the number of distinct cubic distances determined by points in A×AA\times A satisfies (AA)3+(AA)3A8/7,|(A-A)^3+(A-A)^3|\gg |A|^{8/7}, which improves a result due to Yazici, Murphy, Rudnev, and Shkredov. In addition, we investigate some new families of expanders in four and five variables. We also give an explicit exponent of a problem of Bukh and Tsimerman, namely, we prove that max{A+A,f(A,A)}A6/5,\max \left\lbrace |A+A|, |f(A, A)|\right\rbrace\gg |A|^{6/5}, where f(x,y)f(x, y) is a quadratic polynomial in Fp[x,y]\mathbb{F}_p[x, y] that is not of the form g(αx+βy)g(\alpha x+\beta y) for some univariate polynomial gg.Comment: Accepted in PAMS, 201

    A new sum-product estimate in prime fields

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    In this paper we obtain a new sum-product estimate in prime fields. In particular, we show that if AFpA\subseteq \mathbb{F}_p satisfies Ap64/117|A|\le p^{64/117} then max{A±A,AA}A39/32. \max\{|A\pm A|, |AA|\} \gtrsim |A|^{39/32}. Our argument builds on and improves some recent results of Shakan and Shkredov which use the eigenvalue method to reduce to estimating a fourth moment energy and the additive energy E+(P)E^+(P) of some subset PA+AP\subseteq A+A. Our main novelty comes from reducing the estimation of E+(P)E^+(P) to a point-plane incidence bound of Rudnev rather than a point line incidence bound of Stevens and de Zeeuw as done by Shakan and Shkredov.Comment: 16 page