2,397 research outputs found

    Spanning trees of 3-uniform hypergraphs

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    Masbaum and Vaintrob's "Pfaffian matrix tree theorem" implies that counting spanning trees of a 3-uniform hypergraph (abbreviated to 3-graph) can be done in polynomial time for a class of "3-Pfaffian" 3-graphs, comparable to and related to the class of Pfaffian graphs. We prove a complexity result for recognizing a 3-Pfaffian 3-graph and describe two large classes of 3-Pfaffian 3-graphs -- one of these is given by a forbidden subgraph characterization analogous to Little's for bipartite Pfaffian graphs, and the other consists of a class of partial Steiner triple systems for which the property of being 3-Pfaffian can be reduced to the property of an associated graph being Pfaffian. We exhibit an infinite set of partial Steiner triple systems that are not 3-Pfaffian, none of which can be reduced to any other by deletion or contraction of triples. We also find some necessary or sufficient conditions for the existence of a spanning tree of a 3-graph (much more succinct than can be obtained by the currently fastest polynomial-time algorithm of Gabow and Stallmann for finding a spanning tree) and a superexponential lower bound on the number of spanning trees of a Steiner triple system.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    Permutation combinatorics of worldsheet moduli space

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    52 pages, 21 figures52 pages, 21 figures; minor corrections, "On the" dropped from title, matches published version52 pages, 21 figures; minor corrections, "On the" dropped from title, matches published versio

    Hypergraph Ramsey numbers

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    The Ramsey number r_k(s,n) is the minimum N such that every red-blue coloring of the k-tuples of an N-element set contains either a red set of size s or a blue set of size n, where a set is called red (blue) if all k-tuples from this set are red (blue). In this paper we obtain new estimates for several basic hypergraph Ramsey problems. We give a new upper bound for r_k(s,n) for k \geq 3 and s fixed. In particular, we show that r_3(s,n) \leq 2^{n^{s-2}\log n}, which improves by a factor of n^{s-2}/ polylog n the exponent of the previous upper bound of Erdos and Rado from 1952. We also obtain a new lower bound for these numbers, showing that there are constants c_1,c_2>0 such that r_3(s,n) \geq 2^{c_1 sn \log (n/s)} for all 4 \leq s \leq c_2n. When s is a constant, it gives the first superexponential lower bound for r_3(s,n), answering an open question posed by Erdos and Hajnal in 1972. Next, we consider the 3-color Ramsey number r_3(n,n,n), which is the minimum N such that every 3-coloring of the triples of an N-element set contains a monochromatic set of size n. Improving another old result of Erdos and Hajnal, we show that r_3(n,n,n) \geq 2^{n^{c \log n}}. Finally, we make some progress on related hypergraph Ramsey-type problems

    Tournaments, 4-uniform hypergraphs, and an exact extremal result

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    We consider 44-uniform hypergraphs with the maximum number of hyperedges subject to the condition that every set of 55 vertices spans either 00 or exactly 22 hyperedges and give a construction, using quadratic residues, for an infinite family of such hypergraphs with the maximum number of hyperedges. Baber has previously given an asymptotically best-possible result using random tournaments. We give a connection between Baber's result and our construction via Paley tournaments and investigate a `switching' operation on tournaments that preserves hypergraphs arising from this construction.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    The structure of unicellular maps, and a connection between maps of positive genus and planar labelled trees

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    A unicellular map is a map which has only one face. We give a bijection between a dominant subset of rooted unicellular maps of fixed genus and a set of rooted plane trees with distinguished vertices. The bijection applies as well to the case of labelled unicellular maps, which are related to all rooted maps by Marcus and Schaeffer's bijection. This gives an immediate derivation of the asymptotic number of unicellular maps of given genus, and a simple bijective proof of a formula of Lehman and Walsh on the number of triangulations with one vertex. From the labelled case, we deduce an expression of the asymptotic number of maps of genus g with n edges involving the ISE random measure, and an explicit characterization of the limiting profile and radius of random bipartite quadrangulations of genus g in terms of the ISE.Comment: 27pages, 6 figures, to appear in PTRF. Version 2 includes corrections from referee report in sections 6-

    Interlocked permutations

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    The zero-error capacity of channels with a countably infinite input alphabet formally generalises Shannon's classical problem about the capacity of discrete memoryless channels. We solve the problem for three particular channels. Our results are purely combinatorial and in line with previous work of the third author about permutation capacity.Comment: 8 page
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