4 research outputs found

    Business Intelligence e agregação de valor a informações de inquéritos na Polícia Federal

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, 2021.Originalmente tratados de forma manual e limitada, dados relacionados a inquéritos da Polícia Federal (PF) passaram a ser inseridos em sistemas informáticos cada vez mais sofisticados e detalhados, gerando um acúmulo exponencial de registros ao longo dos anos. Este fenômeno, comumente denominado como sobrecarga de informação, há muito é objeto de estudo da Ciência da Informação. Uma das soluções aplicáveis ao problema da sobrecarga informacional estaria num modelo teórico de agregação de valor orientado ao usuário que possui quatro processos de destaque: organização, síntese, julgamento e decisão. Através de sua aplicação, ao serem tratados por sistemas de informação, registros originalmente sem significado percorrem um espectro ascendente de valor, transformando-se progressivamente em dados, informações, conhecimento informativo, conhecimento produtivo e, finalmente, ação. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental, verificamos a aplicação que a PF dá a este modelo teórico em seus sistemas de gestão de inquéritos policiais, sendo este o nosso fio condutor para identificar correspondências com processos de agregação de valor à informação. Com a análise das telas e funcionalidades presentes nos sistemas de gestão de inquéritos policiais utilizados pela PF nas últimas décadas, identificamos a utilização daqueles processos de agregação de valor à informação. O ápice desta aplicação, com a identificação de correspondências com todos os processos do modelo (organização, síntese, julgamento e decisão), se deu com o sistema ?ePol Estatísticas?, que é a ferramenta BI utilizada pela PF para tratar e difundir informações de inquéritos policiais. Por fim, observamos que a agregação de valor aplicada ao BI é um farol eficiente na produção de informação útil para o usuário num cenário de sobrecarga de informação, evitando-se o uso de soluções tecnológicas como um fim em si mesmo e facilitando o contínuo incremento no potencial de utilização da informação.Abstract: Originally treated in a manual and limited manner, data related to Federal Police (PF) investigations began to be entered into increasingly sophisticated and detailed computer systems, generating an exponential accumulation of records over the years. This phenomenon, commonly called information overload, has long been an object of study in Information Science. One of the solutions applicable to the problem of informational overload would be a theoretical model for adding value to the user, which has four prominent processes: organization, synthesis, judgment and decision. Through its application, when treated by information systems, records that were originally meaningless run through an ascending spectrum of value, progressively transforming themselves into data, information, informative knowledge, productive knowledge and, finally, action. Through bibliographical research and documental analysis, we verified the application that the PF gives to this theoretical model in its police investigation management systems, which is our guiding thread to identify correspondences with processes of adding value to information. By analyzing the screens and functionalities present in the police investigation management systems used by the Federal Police in recent decades, we identified the use of those processes to add value to information. The apex of this application, with the identification of correspondences with all the processes of the model (organization, synthesis, judgment and decision), took place with the \"ePol Statistics\" system, which is the BI tool used by the PF to process and disseminate information about police inquiries. Finally, we observe that adding value applied to BI is an efficient beacon in the production of useful information for the user in a scenario of information overload, avoiding the use of technological solutions as an end in itself and facilitating the continuous increment on the potential use of the information

    Analyse von Kundenaktivitäten und der Bereitstellungsqualität von Büchern aus Kundensicht

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    "This master thesis explores service characteristics that are relevant for book readers when they evaluate a service as well as starting points for providers when they plan to optimize their services from a customer’s point of view. In the first part ways of accessing books (buying, borrowing, rent) and the reading behavior of Germans will be described. Then the concept “quality of provision” of books will be discussed which distinguishes five quality dimensions of a service: diversity of content and arranging of books, basic technology (printed book or digital environment), temporal and spatial access, costs of access and ease of use. By using secondary material for each dimension individual quality characteristics will be identified. Next the theoretical background of the activity theory and a special way of thinking, the customer-dominant-logic, from the Nordic school will be explained briefly. Based on this a set of consumer activities related to books will be presented and some activities that are relevant for the work will be described in more detail by means of secondary material (reading books, choosing books, organizing books and information). Further customization and personalization will be proposed as strategies for individualization of services and their function for consumers will be explained. The secondary data used in the work comes from empirical data out of consumer surveys in libraries and bookshops, nationally representative surveys and from results of academic research from different fields. In the final part of this thesis an own data collection will be conducted by using a content analysis of consumer comments of two e-book rental apps (n = 1,245 comments). The analysis should clarify, if the quality characteristics, the book-related activities and the strategies for individualization described before can be found in everyday reality of consumers. After that the results of the content analysis will be presented. Finally the major findings will be summarized and connected to the research questions.