5 research outputs found

    On the Learnability of Deep Random Networks

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    In this paper we study the learnability of deep random networks from both theoretical and practical points of view. On the theoretical front, we show that the learnability of random deep networks with sign activation drops exponentially with its depth. On the practical front, we find that the learnability drops sharply with depth even with the state-of-the-art training methods, suggesting that our stylized theoretical results are closer to reality

    Learning Boolean Circuits with Neural Networks

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    While on some natural distributions, neural-networks are trained efficiently using gradient-based algorithms, it is known that learning them is computationally hard in the worst-case. To separate hard from easy to learn distributions, we observe the property of local correlation: correlation between local patterns of the input and the target label. We focus on learning deep neural-networks using a gradient-based algorithm, when the target function is a tree-structured Boolean circuit. We show that in this case, the existence of correlation between the gates of the circuit and the target label determines whether the optimization succeeds or fails. Using this result, we show that neural-networks can learn the (log n)-parity problem for most product distributions. These results hint that local correlation may play an important role in separating easy/hard to learn distributions. We also obtain a novel depth separation result, in which we show that a shallow network cannot express some functions, while there exists an efficient gradient-based algorithm that can learn the very same functions using a deep network. The negative expressivity result for shallow networks is obtained by a reduction from results in communication complexity, that may be of independent interest

    Hardness of Learning Neural Networks with Natural Weights

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    Neural networks are nowadays highly successful despite strong hardness results. The existing hardness results focus on the network architecture, and assume that the network's weights are arbitrary. A natural approach to settle the discrepancy is to assume that the network's weights are "well-behaved" and posses some generic properties that may allow efficient learning. This approach is supported by the intuition that the weights in real-world networks are not arbitrary, but exhibit some "random-like" properties with respect to some "natural" distributions. We prove negative results in this regard, and show that for depth-22 networks, and many "natural" weights distributions such as the normal and the uniform distribution, most networks are hard to learn. Namely, there is no efficient learning algorithm that is provably successful for most weights, and every input distribution. It implies that there is no generic property that holds with high probability in such random networks and allows efficient learning

    A Deep Conditioning Treatment of Neural Networks

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    We study the role of depth in training randomly initialized overparameterized neural networks. We give a general result showing that depth improves trainability of neural networks by improving the conditioning of certain kernel matrices of the input data. This result holds for arbitrary non-linear activation functions under a certain normalization. We provide versions of the result that hold for training just the top layer of the neural network, as well as for training all layers, via the neural tangent kernel. As applications of these general results, we provide a generalization of the results of Das et al. (2019) showing that learnability of deep random neural networks with a large class of non-linear activations degrades exponentially with depth. We also show how benign overfitting can occur in deep neural networks via the results of Bartlett et al. (2019b). We also give experimental evidence that normalized versions of ReLU are a viable alternative to more complex operations like Batch Normalization in training deep neural networks.Comment: In proceedings of ALT 202

    High Accuracy and High Fidelity Extraction of Neural Networks

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    In a model extraction attack, an adversary steals a copy of a remotely deployed machine learning model, given oracle prediction access. We taxonomize model extraction attacks around two objectives: *accuracy*, i.e., performing well on the underlying learning task, and *fidelity*, i.e., matching the predictions of the remote victim classifier on any input. To extract a high-accuracy model, we develop a learning-based attack exploiting the victim to supervise the training of an extracted model. Through analytical and empirical arguments, we then explain the inherent limitations that prevent any learning-based strategy from extracting a truly high-fidelity model---i.e., extracting a functionally-equivalent model whose predictions are identical to those of the victim model on all possible inputs. Addressing these limitations, we expand on prior work to develop the first practical functionally-equivalent extraction attack for direct extraction (i.e., without training) of a model's weights. We perform experiments both on academic datasets and a state-of-the-art image classifier trained with 1 billion proprietary images. In addition to broadening the scope of model extraction research, our work demonstrates the practicality of model extraction attacks against production-grade systems.Comment: USENIX Security 2020, 18 pages, 6 figure