4 research outputs found

    On the Impossibility of Batch Update for Cryptographic Accumulators

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    A cryptographic accumulator is a scheme where a set of elements is represented by a single short value. This value, along with another value called witness allows to prove membership into the set. In their survey on accumulators [FN02], Fazzio and Nicolisi noted that the Camenisch and Lysyanskaya\u27s construction[CL02] was such that the time to update a witness after m changes to the accumulated value was proportional to m. They posed the question whether batch update was possible, namely if it was possible to build a cryptographic accumulator where the time to update witnesses is independent from the number of changes in the accumulated set. Recently, Wang et al. answered positively by giving a construction for an accumulator with batch update in [WWP07, WWP08]. In this work we show that the construction is not secure by exhibiting an attack. Moreover, we prove it cannot be fixed. If the accumulated value has been updated m times, then the time to update a witness must be at least (m) in the worst case

    Accumulators with Applications to Anonymity-Preserving Revocation

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    Membership revocation is essential for cryptographic applications, from traditional PKIs to group signatures and anonymous credentials. Of the various solutions for the revocation problem that have been explored, dynamic accumulators are one of the most promising. We propose Braavos, a new, RSA-based, dynamic accumulator. It has optimal communication complexity and, when combined with efficient zero-knowledge proofs, provides an ideal solution for anonymous revocation. For the construction of Braavos we use a modular approach: we show how to build an accumulator with better functionality and security from accumulators with fewer features and weaker security guarantees. We then describe an anonymous revocation component (ARC) that can be instantiated using any dynamic accumulator. ARC can be added to any anonymous system, such as anonymous credentials or group signatures, in order to equip it with a revocation functionality. Finally, we implement ARC with Braavos and plug it into Idemix, the leading implementation of anonymous credentials. This work resolves, for the first time, the problem of practical revocation for anonymous credential systems

    Zero-Knowledge Accumulators and Set Operations

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    Accumulators provide a way to succinctly represent a set with elements drawn from a given domain, using an \emph{accumulation value}. Subsequently, short proofs for the set-\emph{membership} (or \emph{non-membership}) of any element from the domain can be constructed and efficiently verified with respect to this accumulation value. Accumulators have been widely studied in the literature, primarily, as an \emph{authentication} primitive: a malicious prover (e.g., an untrusted server) should not be able to provide convincing proofs on false statements (e.g., successfully prove membership for a value not in the set) to a verifier that issues membership queries (of course, having no access to set itself). In essence, in existing constructions the accumulation value acts as a (honestly generated) ``commitment\u27\u27 to the set that allows selective ``opening\u27\u27 as specified by membership queries---but with no ``hiding\u27\u27 properties. In this paper we revisit this primitive and propose a privacy-preserving enhancement. We define the notion of a \emph{zero-knowledge accumulator} that provides the following very strong privacy notion: Accumulation values and proofs constructed during the protocol execution leak nothing about the set itself, or any subsequent updates to it (i.e., via element insertions/deletions). We formalize this property by a standard real/ideal execution game. An adversarial party that is allowed to choose the set and is given access to query and update oracles, cannot distinguish whether this interaction takes place with respect to the honestly executed algorithms of the scheme or with a simulator that is not given access to the set itself (and for updates, it does not even learn the type of update that occurred---let alone the inserted/deleted element). We compare our new privacy definition with other recently proposed similar notions showing that it is strictly stronger: We give a concrete example of the update-related information that can be leaked by previous definitions. We provide a mapping of the relations between zero-knowledge accumulators and primitives that are either set in the same security model or solve the same problem. We formally show and discuss a number of implications among primitives, some of which are not immediately evident. We believe this contribution is interesting on its own, as the area has received considerable attention recently (e.g., with the works of [Naor et al., TCC~2015] and [Derler et al., CT-RSA~2015]). We then construct the first dynamic universal zero-knowledge accumulator. Our scheme is perfect zero-knowledge and is secure under the qq-Strong Bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption. Finally, building on our dynamic universal zero-knowledge accumulator, we define a \emph{zero-knowledge authenticated set collection} to handle more elaborate set operations (beyond set-membership). In particular, this primitive allows one to outsource a collection of sets to an untrusted server that is subsequently responsible for answering union, intersection and set difference queries over these sets issued by multiple clients. Our scheme provides proofs that are succinct and efficiently verifiable and, at the same time, leak nothing beyond the query result. In particular, it offers verification time that is asymptotically optimal (namely, the same as simply reading the answer), and proof construction that is asymptotically as efficient as existing state-of-the-art constructions--- that however, do not offer privacy