52 research outputs found

    A Theory of Granular Partitions

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    We have a variety of different ways of dividing up, classifying, mapping, sorting and listing the objects in reality. The theory of granular partitions presented here seeks to provide a general and unified basis for understanding such phenomena in formal terms that is more realistic than existing alternatives. Our theory has two orthogonal parts: the first is a theory of classification; it provides an account of partitions as cells and subcells; the second is a theory of reference or intentionality; it provides an account of how cells and subcells relate to objects in reality. We define a notion of well-formedness for partitions, and we give an account of what it means for a partition to project onto objects in reality. We continue by classifying partitions along three axes: (a) in terms of the degree of correspondence between partition cells and objects in reality; (b) in terms of the degree to which a partition represents the mereological structure of the domain it is projected onto; and (c) in terms of the degree of completeness with which a partition represents this domain

    Topological Foundations of Cognitive Science

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    A collection of papers presented at the First International Summer Institute in Cognitive Science, University at Buffalo, July 1994, including the following papers: ** Topological Foundations of Cognitive Science, Barry Smith ** The Bounds of Axiomatisation, Graham White ** Rethinking Boundaries, Wojciech Zelaniec ** Sheaf Mereology and Space Cognition, Jean Petitot ** A Mereotopological Definition of 'Point', Carola Eschenbach ** Discreteness, Finiteness, and the Structure of Topological Spaces, Christopher Habel ** Mass Reference and the Geometry of Solids, Almerindo E. Ojeda ** Defining a 'Doughnut' Made Difficult, N .M. Gotts ** A Theory of Spatial Regions with Indeterminate Boundaries, A.G. Cohn and N.M. Gotts ** Mereotopological Construction of Time from Events, Fabio Pianesi and Achille C. Varzi ** Computational Mereology: A Study of Part-of Relations for Multi-media Indexing, Wlodek Zadrozny and Michelle Ki

    Analisis orientado a objetos de imágenes de teledetección para cartografia forestal : bases conceptuales y un metodo de segmentacion para obtener una particion inicial para la clasificacion = Object-oriented analysis of remote sensing images for land cover mapping : Conceptual foundations and a segmentation method to derive a baseline partition for classification

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    El enfoque comúnmente usado para analizar las imágenes de satélite con fines cartográficos da lugar a resultados insatisfactorios debido principalmente a que únicamente utiliza los patrones espectrales de los píxeles, ignorando casi por completo la estructura espacial de la imagen. Además, la equiparación de las clases de cubierta a tipos de materiales homogéneos permite que cualquier parte arbitrariamente delimitada dentro de una tesela del mapa siga siendo un referente del concepto definido por su etiqueta. Esta posibilidad es incongruente con el modelo jerárquico del paisaje cada vez más aceptado en Ecología del Paisaje, que asume que la homogeneidad depende de la escala de observación y en cualquier caso es más semántica que biofísica, y que por tanto los paisajes son intrínsecamente heterogéneos y están compuestos de unidades (patches) que funcionan simultáneamente como un todo diferente de lo que les rodea y como partes de un todo mayor. Por tanto se hace necesario un nuevo enfoque (orientado a objetos) que sea compatible con este modelo y en el que las unidades básicas del análisis sean delimitadas de acuerdo a la variación espacial del fenómeno estudiado. Esta tesis pretende contribuir a este cambio de paradigma en teledetección, y sus objetivos concretos son: 1.- Poner de relieve las deficiencias del enfoque tradicionalmente empleado en la clasificación de imágenes de satélite. 2.- Sentar las bases conceptuales de un enfoque alternativo basado en zonas básicas clasificables como objetos. 3.- Desarrollar e implementar una versión demostrativa de un método automático que convierte una imagen multiespectral en una capa vectorial formada por esas zonas. La estrategia que se propone es producir, basándose en la estructura espacial de las imágenes, una partición de estas en la que cada región puede considerarse relativamente homogénea y diferente de sus vecinas y que además supera (aunque no por mucho) el tamaño de la unidad mínima cartografiable. Cada región se asume corresponde a un rodal que tras la clasificación será agregado junto a otros rodales vecinos en una región mayor que en conjunto pueda verse como una instancia de un cierto tipo de objetos que más tarde son representados en el mapa mediante teselas de una clase particular

    Uncertainty Management of Intelligent Feature Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are envisioned to revolutionize the paradigm of monitoring complex real-world systems at a very high resolution. However, the deployment of a large number of unattended sensor nodes in hostile environments, frequent changes of environment dynamics, and severe resource constraints pose uncertainties and limit the potential use of WSN in complex real-world applications. Although uncertainty management in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is well developed and well investigated, its implications in wireless sensor environments are inadequately addressed. This dissertation addresses uncertainty management issues of spatio-temporal patterns generated from sensor data. It provides a framework for characterizing spatio-temporal pattern in WSN. Using rough set theory and temporal reasoning a novel formalism has been developed to characterize and quantify the uncertainties in predicting spatio-temporal patterns from sensor data. This research also uncovers the trade-off among the uncertainty measures, which can be used to develop a multi-objective optimization model for real-time decision making in sensor data aggregation and samplin

    Topological foundations of cognitive science

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    Mobile Robots Navigation

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    Mobile robots navigation includes different interrelated activities: (i) perception, as obtaining and interpreting sensory information; (ii) exploration, as the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; (iii) mapping, involving the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; (iv) localization, as the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; (v) path planning, as the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and (vi) path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. The book addresses those activities by integrating results from the research work of several authors all over the world. Research cases are documented in 32 chapters organized within 7 categories next described
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