1 research outputs found

    On the Hardness of Red-Blue Pebble Games

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    Red-blue pebble games model the computation cost of a two-level memory hierarchy. We present various hardness results in different red-blue pebbling variants, with a focus on the oneshot model. We first study the relationship between previously introduced red-blue pebble models (base, oneshot, nodel). We also analyze a new variant (compcost) to obtain a more realistic model of computation. We then prove that red-blue pebbling is NP-hard in all of these model variants. Furthermore, we show that in the oneshot model, a δ\delta-approximation algorithm for δ<2\delta<2 is only possible if the unique games conjecture is false. Finally, we show that greedy algorithms are not good candidates for approximation, since they can return significantly worse solutions than the optimum