4 research outputs found

    On the Generalization Gap in Reparameterizable Reinforcement Learning

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    Understanding generalization in reinforcement learning (RL) is a significant challenge, as many common assumptions of traditional supervised learning theory do not apply. We focus on the special class of reparameterizable RL problems, where the trajectory distribution can be decomposed using the reparametrization trick. For this problem class, estimating the expected return is efficient and the trajectory can be computed deterministically given peripheral random variables, which enables us to study reparametrizable RL using supervised learning and transfer learning theory. Through these relationships, we derive guarantees on the gap between the expected and empirical return for both intrinsic and external errors, based on Rademacher complexity as well as the PAC-Bayes bound. Our bound suggests the generalization capability of reparameterizable RL is related to multiple factors including "smoothness" of the environment transition, reward and agent policy function class. We also empirically verify the relationship between the generalization gap and these factors through simulations

    Automatic Data Augmentation for Generalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Deep reinforcement learning (RL) agents often fail to generalize to unseen scenarios, even when they are trained on many instances of semantically similar environments. Data augmentation has recently been shown to improve the sample efficiency and generalization of RL agents. However, different tasks tend to benefit from different kinds of data augmentation. In this paper, we compare three approaches for automatically finding an appropriate augmentation. These are combined with two novel regularization terms for the policy and value function, required to make the use of data augmentation theoretically sound for certain actor-critic algorithms. We evaluate our methods on the Procgen benchmark which consists of 16 procedurally-generated environments and show that it improves test performance by ~40% relative to standard RL algorithms. Our agent outperforms other baselines specifically designed to improve generalization in RL. In addition, we show that our agent learns policies and representations that are more robust to changes in the environment that do not affect the agent, such as the background. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/rraileanu/auto-drac

    Discount Factor as a Regularizer in Reinforcement Learning

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    Specifying a Reinforcement Learning (RL) task involves choosing a suitable planning horizon, which is typically modeled by a discount factor. It is known that applying RL algorithms with a lower discount factor can act as a regularizer, improving performance in the limited data regime. Yet the exact nature of this regularizer has not been investigated. In this work, we fill in this gap. For several Temporal-Difference (TD) learning methods, we show an explicit equivalence between using a reduced discount factor and adding an explicit regularization term to the algorithm's loss. Motivated by the equivalence, we empirically study this technique compared to standard L2L_2 regularization by extensive experiments in discrete and continuous domains, using tabular and functional representations. Our experiments suggest the regularization effectiveness is strongly related to properties of the available data, such as size, distribution, and mixing rate.Comment: Published in ICML 202

    SECANT: Self-Expert Cloning for Zero-Shot Generalization of Visual Policies

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    Generalization has been a long-standing challenge for reinforcement learning (RL). Visual RL, in particular, can be easily distracted by irrelevant factors in high-dimensional observation space. In this work, we consider robust policy learning which targets zero-shot generalization to unseen visual environments with large distributional shift. We propose SECANT, a novel self-expert cloning technique that leverages image augmentation in two stages to *decouple* robust representation learning from policy optimization. Specifically, an expert policy is first trained by RL from scratch with weak augmentations. A student network then learns to mimic the expert policy by supervised learning with strong augmentations, making its representation more robust against visual variations compared to the expert. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SECANT significantly advances the state of the art in zero-shot generalization across 4 challenging domains. Our average reward improvements over prior SOTAs are: DeepMind Control (+26.5%), robotic manipulation (+337.8%), vision-based autonomous driving (+47.7%), and indoor object navigation (+15.8%). Code release and video are available at https://linxifan.github.io/secant-site/