2 research outputs found

    The continuous postage stamp problem

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    For a real set AA consider the semigroup S(A)S(A), additively generated by AA; that is, the set of all real numbers representable as a (finite) sum of elements of AA. If AβŠ‚(0,1)A \subset (0,1) is open and non-empty, then S(A)S(A) is easily seen to contain all sufficiently large real numbers, and we let G(A):=sup⁑{u∈R ⁣:uβˆ‰S(A)}G(A) := \sup \{u \in R \colon u \notin S(A) \}. Thus, G(A)G(A) is the smallest number with the property that any u>G(A)u>G(A) is representable as indicated above. We show that if the measure of AA is large, then G(A)G(A) is small; more precisely, writing for brevity \alpha := \mes A we have G(A) \le (1-\alpha) \lfloor 1/\alpha \rfloor \quad &\text{if $0 < \alpha \le 0.1$}, (1-\alpha+\alpha\{1/\alpha\})\lfloor 1/\alpha\rfloor \quad &\text{if $0.1 \le \alpha \le 0.5$}, 2(1-\alpha) \quad &\text{if $0.5 \le \alpha \le 1$}. Indeed, the first and the last of these three estimates are the best possible, attained for A=(1βˆ’Ξ±,1)A=(1-\alpha,1) and A=(1βˆ’Ξ±,1)βˆ–{2(1βˆ’Ξ±)}A=(1-\alpha,1)\setminus\{2(1-\alpha)\}, respectively; the second is close to the best possible and can be improved by Ξ±{1/Ξ±}⌊1/Ξ±βŒ‹β‰€{1/Ξ±}\alpha \{1/\alpha\} \lfloor 1/\alpha \rfloor \le \{1/\alpha\} at most. The problem studied is a continuous analogue of the linear Diophantine problem of Frobenius (in its extremal settings due to Erdos and Graham), also known as the "postage stamp problem" or the "coin exchange problem"

    A Single Set Improvement to the 3kβˆ’43k-4 Theorem

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    The 3kβˆ’43k-4 Theorem is a classical result which asserts that if A, BβŠ†ZA,\,B\subseteq \mathbb Z are finite, nonempty subsets with \begin{equation}\label{hyp}|A+B|=|A|+|B|+r\leq |A|+|B|+\min\{|A|,\,|B|\}-3-\delta,\end{equation} where Ξ΄=1\delta=1 if AA and BB are translates of each other, and otherwise Ξ΄=0\delta=0, then there are arithmetic progressions PAP_A and PBP_B of common difference such that AβŠ†PAA\subseteq P_A, BβŠ†PBB\subseteq P_B, ∣Bβˆ£β‰€βˆ£PB∣+r+1|B|\leq |P_B|+r+1 and ∣PAβˆ£β‰€βˆ£A∣+r+1|P_A|\leq |A|+r+1. It is one of the few cases in Freiman's Theorem for which exact bounds on the sizes of the progressions are known. The hypothesis above is best possible in the sense that there are examples of sumsets A+BA+B having cardinality just one more, yet AA and BB cannot both be contained in short length arithmetic progressions. In this paper, we show that the hypothesis above can be significantly weakened and still yield the same conclusion for one of the sets AA and BB. Specifically, if ∣B∣β‰₯3|B|\geq 3, sβ‰₯1s\geq 1 is the unique integer with (sβˆ’1)s(∣B∣2βˆ’1)+sβˆ’1<∣Aβˆ£β‰€s(s+1)(∣B∣2βˆ’1)+s,(s-1)s\left(\frac{|B|}{2}-1\right)+s-1<|A|\leq s(s+1)\left(\frac{|B|}{2}-1\right)+s, and \begin{equation}\label{hyp2} |A+B|=|A|+|B|+r< (\frac{|A|}{s}+\frac{|B|}{2}-1)(s+1),\end{equation} then we show there is an arithmetic progression PBβŠ†ZP_B\subseteq \mathbb Z with BβŠ†PBB\subseteq P_B and ∣PBβˆ£β‰€βˆ£B∣+r+1|P_B|\leq |B|+r+1. The above hypothesis is best possible (without additional assumptions on AA) for obtaining such a conclusion