10,176 research outputs found

    Overfitting in Synthesis: Theory and Practice (Extended Version)

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    In syntax-guided synthesis (SyGuS), a synthesizer's goal is to automatically generate a program belonging to a grammar of possible implementations that meets a logical specification. We investigate a common limitation across state-of-the-art SyGuS tools that perform counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS). We empirically observe that as the expressiveness of the provided grammar increases, the performance of these tools degrades significantly. We claim that this degradation is not only due to a larger search space, but also due to overfitting. We formally define this phenomenon and prove no-free-lunch theorems for SyGuS, which reveal a fundamental tradeoff between synthesizer performance and grammar expressiveness. A standard approach to mitigate overfitting in machine learning is to run multiple learners with varying expressiveness in parallel. We demonstrate that this insight can immediately benefit existing SyGuS tools. We also propose a novel single-threaded technique called hybrid enumeration that interleaves different grammars and outperforms the winner of the 2018 SyGuS competition (Inv track), solving more problems and achieving a 5×5\times mean speedup.Comment: 24 pages (5 pages of appendices), 7 figures, includes proofs of theorem

    Real-time and Probabilistic Temporal Logics: An Overview

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    Over the last two decades, there has been an extensive study on logical formalisms for specifying and verifying real-time systems. Temporal logics have been an important research subject within this direction. Although numerous logics have been introduced for the formal specification of real-time and complex systems, an up to date comprehensive analysis of these logics does not exist in the literature. In this paper we analyse real-time and probabilistic temporal logics which have been widely used in this field. We extrapolate the notions of decidability, axiomatizability, expressiveness, model checking, etc. for each logic analysed. We also provide a comparison of features of the temporal logics discussed

    Jeeg: Temporal Constraints for the Synchronization of Concurrent Objects

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    We introduce Jeeg, a dialect of Java based on a declarative replacement of the synchronization mechanisms of Java that results in a complete decoupling of the 'business' and the 'synchronization' code of classes. Synchronization constraints in Jeeg are expressed in a linear temporal logic which allows to effectively limit the occurrence of the inheritance anomaly that commonly affects concurrent object oriented languages. Jeeg is inspired by the current trend in aspect oriented languages. In a Jeeg program the sequential and concurrent aspects of object behaviors are decoupled: specified separately by the programmer these are then weaved together by the Jeeg compiler

    Web Queries: From a Web of Data to a Semantic Web?

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    Deterministic Automata for Unordered Trees

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    Automata for unordered unranked trees are relevant for defining schemas and queries for data trees in Json or Xml format. While the existing notions are well-investigated concerning expressiveness, they all lack a proper notion of determinism, which makes it difficult to distinguish subclasses of automata for which problems such as inclusion, equivalence, and minimization can be solved efficiently. In this paper, we propose and investigate different notions of "horizontal determinism", starting from automata for unranked trees in which the horizontal evaluation is performed by finite state automata. We show that a restriction to confluent horizontal evaluation leads to polynomial-time emptiness and universality, but still suffers from coNP-completeness of the emptiness of binary intersections. Finally, efficient algorithms can be obtained by imposing an order of horizontal evaluation globally for all automata in the class. Depending on the choice of the order, we obtain different classes of automata, each of which has the same expressiveness as CMso.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.556

    A Rule-Based Approach to Analyzing Database Schema Objects with Datalog

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    Database schema elements such as tables, views, triggers and functions are typically defined with many interrelationships. In order to support database users in understanding a given schema, a rule-based approach for analyzing the respective dependencies is proposed using Datalog expressions. We show that many interesting properties of schema elements can be systematically determined this way. The expressiveness of the proposed analysis is exemplarily shown with the problem of computing induced functional dependencies for derived relations. The propagation of functional dependencies plays an important role in data integration and query optimization but represents an undecidable problem in general. And yet, our rule-based analysis covers all relational operators as well as linear recursive expressions in a systematic way showing the depth of analysis possible by our proposal. The analysis of functional dependencies is well-integrated in a uniform approach to analyzing dependencies between schema elements in general.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 27th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2017), Namur, Belgium, 10-12 October 2017 (arXiv:1708.07854