32,637 research outputs found

    On the Expressive Efficiency of Sum Product Networks

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    Sum Product Networks (SPNs) are a recently developed class of deep generative models which compute their associated unnormalized density functions using a special type of arithmetic circuit. When certain sufficient conditions, called the decomposability and completeness conditions (or "D&C" conditions), are imposed on the structure of these circuits, marginal densities and other useful quantities, which are typically intractable for other deep generative models, can be computed by what amounts to a single evaluation of the network (which is a property known as "validity"). However, the effect that the D&C conditions have on the capabilities of D&C SPNs is not well understood. In this work we analyze the D&C conditions, expose the various connections that D&C SPNs have with multilinear arithmetic circuits, and consider the question of how well they can capture various distributions as a function of their size and depth. Among our various contributions is a result which establishes the existence of a relatively simple distribution with fully tractable marginal densities which cannot be efficiently captured by D&C SPNs of any depth, but which can be efficiently captured by various other deep generative models. We also show that with each additional layer of depth permitted, the set of distributions which can be efficiently captured by D&C SPNs grows in size. This kind of "depth hierarchy" property has been widely conjectured to hold for various deep models, but has never been proven for any of them. Some of our other contributions include a new characterization of the D&C conditions as sufficient and necessary ones for a slightly strengthened notion of validity, and various state-machine characterizations of the types of computations that can be performed efficiently by D&C SPNs.Comment: Various minor revisions and corrections throughou

    Analysis and Design of Convolutional Networks via Hierarchical Tensor Decompositions

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    The driving force behind convolutional networks - the most successful deep learning architecture to date, is their expressive power. Despite its wide acceptance and vast empirical evidence, formal analyses supporting this belief are scarce. The primary notions for formally reasoning about expressiveness are efficiency and inductive bias. Expressive efficiency refers to the ability of a network architecture to realize functions that require an alternative architecture to be much larger. Inductive bias refers to the prioritization of some functions over others given prior knowledge regarding a task at hand. In this paper we overview a series of works written by the authors, that through an equivalence to hierarchical tensor decompositions, analyze the expressive efficiency and inductive bias of various convolutional network architectural features (depth, width, strides and more). The results presented shed light on the demonstrated effectiveness of convolutional networks, and in addition, provide new tools for network design.Comment: Part of the Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Computational Intelligence (ICRI-CI) Special Issue on Deep Learning Theor

    On the Expressive Power of Deep Learning: A Tensor Analysis

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    It has long been conjectured that hypotheses spaces suitable for data that is compositional in nature, such as text or images, may be more efficiently represented with deep hierarchical networks than with shallow ones. Despite the vast empirical evidence supporting this belief, theoretical justifications to date are limited. In particular, they do not account for the locality, sharing and pooling constructs of convolutional networks, the most successful deep learning architecture to date. In this work we derive a deep network architecture based on arithmetic circuits that inherently employs locality, sharing and pooling. An equivalence between the networks and hierarchical tensor factorizations is established. We show that a shallow network corresponds to CP (rank-1) decomposition, whereas a deep network corresponds to Hierarchical Tucker decomposition. Using tools from measure theory and matrix algebra, we prove that besides a negligible set, all functions that can be implemented by a deep network of polynomial size, require exponential size in order to be realized (or even approximated) by a shallow network. Since log-space computation transforms our networks into SimNets, the result applies directly to a deep learning architecture demonstrating promising empirical performance. The construction and theory developed in this paper shed new light on various practices and ideas employed by the deep learning community

    Sum-Product-Quotient Networks

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    We present a novel tractable generative model that extends Sum-Product Networks (SPNs) and significantly boosts their power. We call it Sum-Product-Quotient Networks (SPQNs), whose core concept is to incorporate conditional distributions into the model by direct computation using quotient nodes, e.g. P(A∣B)=P(A,B)P(B)P(A|B) = \frac{P(A,B)}{P(B)}. We provide sufficient conditions for the tractability of SPQNs that generalize and relax the decomposable and complete tractability conditions of SPNs. These relaxed conditions give rise to an exponential boost to the expressive efficiency of our model, i.e. we prove that there are distributions which SPQNs can compute efficiently but require SPNs to be of exponential size. Thus, we narrow the gap in expressivity between tractable graphical models and other Neural Network-based generative models.Comment: Published as a conference paper at AISTATS 201

    Convolutional Rectifier Networks as Generalized Tensor Decompositions

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    Convolutional rectifier networks, i.e. convolutional neural networks with rectified linear activation and max or average pooling, are the cornerstone of modern deep learning. However, despite their wide use and success, our theoretical understanding of the expressive properties that drive these networks is partial at best. On the other hand, we have a much firmer grasp of these issues in the world of arithmetic circuits. Specifically, it is known that convolutional arithmetic circuits possess the property of "complete depth efficiency", meaning that besides a negligible set, all functions that can be implemented by a deep network of polynomial size, require exponential size in order to be implemented (or even approximated) by a shallow network. In this paper we describe a construction based on generalized tensor decompositions, that transforms convolutional arithmetic circuits into convolutional rectifier networks. We then use mathematical tools available from the world of arithmetic circuits to prove new results. First, we show that convolutional rectifier networks are universal with max pooling but not with average pooling. Second, and more importantly, we show that depth efficiency is weaker with convolutional rectifier networks than it is with convolutional arithmetic circuits. This leads us to believe that developing effective methods for training convolutional arithmetic circuits, thereby fulfilling their expressive potential, may give rise to a deep learning architecture that is provably superior to convolutional rectifier networks but has so far been overlooked by practitioners

    Expressive power of recurrent neural networks

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    Deep neural networks are surprisingly efficient at solving practical tasks, but the theory behind this phenomenon is only starting to catch up with the practice. Numerous works show that depth is the key to this efficiency. A certain class of deep convolutional networks -- namely those that correspond to the Hierarchical Tucker (HT) tensor decomposition -- has been proven to have exponentially higher expressive power than shallow networks. I.e. a shallow network of exponential width is required to realize the same score function as computed by the deep architecture. In this paper, we prove the expressive power theorem (an exponential lower bound on the width of the equivalent shallow network) for a class of recurrent neural networks -- ones that correspond to the Tensor Train (TT) decomposition. This means that even processing an image patch by patch with an RNN can be exponentially more efficient than a (shallow) convolutional network with one hidden layer. Using theoretical results on the relation between the tensor decompositions we compare expressive powers of the HT- and TT-Networks. We also implement the recurrent TT-Networks and provide numerical evidence of their expressivity.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Tucker Decomposition Network: Expressive Power and Comparison

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    Deep neural networks have achieved a great success in solving many machine learning and computer vision problems. The main contribution of this paper is to develop a deep network based on Tucker tensor decomposition, and analyze its expressive power. It is shown that the expressiveness of Tucker network is more powerful than that of shallow network. In general, it is required to use an exponential number of nodes in a shallow network in order to represent a Tucker network. Experimental results are also given to compare the performance of the proposed Tucker network with hierarchical tensor network and shallow network, and demonstrate the usefulness of Tucker network in image classification problems

    On the Expressive Power of Overlapping Architectures of Deep Learning

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    Expressive efficiency refers to the relation between two architectures A and B, whereby any function realized by B could be replicated by A, but there exists functions realized by A, which cannot be replicated by B unless its size grows significantly larger. For example, it is known that deep networks are exponentially efficient with respect to shallow networks, in the sense that a shallow network must grow exponentially large in order to approximate the functions represented by a deep network of polynomial size. In this work, we extend the study of expressive efficiency to the attribute of network connectivity and in particular to the effect of "overlaps" in the convolutional process, i.e., when the stride of the convolution is smaller than its filter size (receptive field). To theoretically analyze this aspect of network's design, we focus on a well-established surrogate for ConvNets called Convolutional Arithmetic Circuits (ConvACs), and then demonstrate empirically that our results hold for standard ConvNets as well. Specifically, our analysis shows that having overlapping local receptive fields, and more broadly denser connectivity, results in an exponential increase in the expressive capacity of neural networks. Moreover, while denser connectivity can increase the expressive capacity, we show that the most common types of modern architectures already exhibit exponential increase in expressivity, without relying on fully-connected layers.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Boosting Dilated Convolutional Networks with Mixed Tensor Decompositions

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    The driving force behind deep networks is their ability to compactly represent rich classes of functions. The primary notion for formally reasoning about this phenomenon is expressive efficiency, which refers to a situation where one network must grow unfeasibly large in order to realize (or approximate) functions of another. To date, expressive efficiency analyses focused on the architectural feature of depth, showing that deep networks are representationally superior to shallow ones. In this paper we study the expressive efficiency brought forth by connectivity, motivated by the observation that modern networks interconnect their layers in elaborate ways. We focus on dilated convolutional networks, a family of deep models delivering state of the art performance in sequence processing tasks. By introducing and analyzing the concept of mixed tensor decompositions, we prove that interconnecting dilated convolutional networks can lead to expressive efficiency. In particular, we show that even a single connection between intermediate layers can already lead to an almost quadratic gap, which in large-scale settings typically makes the difference between a model that is practical and one that is not. Empirical evaluation demonstrates how the expressive efficiency of connectivity, similarly to that of depth, translates into gains in accuracy. This leads us to believe that expressive efficiency may serve a key role in the development of new tools for deep network design.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    The Expressive Power of Neural Networks: A View from the Width

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    The expressive power of neural networks is important for understanding deep learning. Most existing works consider this problem from the view of the depth of a network. In this paper, we study how width affects the expressiveness of neural networks. Classical results state that depth-bounded (e.g. depth-22) networks with suitable activation functions are universal approximators. We show a universal approximation theorem for width-bounded ReLU networks: width-(n+4)(n+4) ReLU networks, where nn is the input dimension, are universal approximators. Moreover, except for a measure zero set, all functions cannot be approximated by width-nn ReLU networks, which exhibits a phase transition. Several recent works demonstrate the benefits of depth by proving the depth-efficiency of neural networks. That is, there are classes of deep networks which cannot be realized by any shallow network whose size is no more than an exponential bound. Here we pose the dual question on the width-efficiency of ReLU networks: Are there wide networks that cannot be realized by narrow networks whose size is not substantially larger? We show that there exist classes of wide networks which cannot be realized by any narrow network whose depth is no more than a polynomial bound. On the other hand, we demonstrate by extensive experiments that narrow networks whose size exceed the polynomial bound by a constant factor can approximate wide and shallow network with high accuracy. Our results provide more comprehensive evidence that depth is more effective than width for the expressiveness of ReLU networks.Comment: accepted by NIPS 2017 ( with some typos fixed
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