22,549 research outputs found

    Robust Bayesian inference via coarsening

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    The standard approach to Bayesian inference is based on the assumption that the distribution of the data belongs to the chosen model class. However, even a small violation of this assumption can have a large impact on the outcome of a Bayesian procedure. We introduce a simple, coherent approach to Bayesian inference that improves robustness to perturbations from the model: rather than condition on the data exactly, one conditions on a neighborhood of the empirical distribution. When using neighborhoods based on relative entropy estimates, the resulting "coarsened" posterior can be approximated by simply tempering the likelihood---that is, by raising it to a fractional power---thus, inference is often easily implemented with standard methods, and one can even obtain analytical solutions when using conjugate priors. Some theoretical properties are derived, and we illustrate the approach with real and simulated data, using mixture models, autoregressive models of unknown order, and variable selection in linear regression

    A self-organising mixture network for density modelling

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    A completely unsupervised mixture distribution network, namely the self-organising mixture network, is proposed for learning arbitrary density functions. The algorithm minimises the Kullback-Leibler information by means of stochastic approximation methods. The density functions are modelled as mixtures of parametric distributions such as Gaussian and Cauchy. The first layer of the network is similar to the Kohonen's self-organising map (SOM), but with the parameters of the class conditional densities as the learning weights. The winning mechanism is based on maximum posterior probability, and the updating of weights can be limited to a small neighbourhood around the winner. The second layer accumulates the responses of these local nodes, weighted by the learning mixing parameters. The network possesses simple structure and computation, yet yields fast and robust convergence. Experimental results are also presente

    Guaranteed bounds on the Kullback-Leibler divergence of univariate mixtures using piecewise log-sum-exp inequalities

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    Information-theoretic measures such as the entropy, cross-entropy and the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two mixture models is a core primitive in many signal processing tasks. Since the Kullback-Leibler divergence of mixtures provably does not admit a closed-form formula, it is in practice either estimated using costly Monte-Carlo stochastic integration, approximated, or bounded using various techniques. We present a fast and generic method that builds algorithmically closed-form lower and upper bounds on the entropy, the cross-entropy and the Kullback-Leibler divergence of mixtures. We illustrate the versatile method by reporting on our experiments for approximating the Kullback-Leibler divergence between univariate exponential mixtures, Gaussian mixtures, Rayleigh mixtures, and Gamma mixtures.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Probabilistic Methodology and Techniques for Artefact Conception and Development

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    The purpose of this paper is to make a state of the art on probabilistic methodology and techniques for artefact conception and development. It is the 8th deliverable of the BIBA (Bayesian Inspired Brain and Artefacts) project. We first present the incompletness problem as the central difficulty that both living creatures and artefacts have to face: how can they perceive, infer, decide and act efficiently with incomplete and uncertain knowledge?. We then introduce a generic probabilistic formalism called Bayesian Programming. This formalism is then used to review the main probabilistic methodology and techniques. This review is organized in 3 parts: first the probabilistic models from Bayesian networks to Kalman filters and from sensor fusion to CAD systems, second the inference techniques and finally the learning and model acquisition and comparison methodologies. We conclude with the perspectives of the BIBA project as they rise from this state of the art
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