20 research outputs found

    On the energy efficiency-spectral efficiency trade-off in the uplink of CoMP system

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    In this paper, we derive a generic closed-form approximation (CFA) of the energy efficiency-spectral efficiency (EE-SE) trade-off for the uplink of coordinated multi-point (CoMP) system and demonstrate its accuracy for both idealistic and realistic power consumption models (PCMs). We utilize our CFA to compare CoMP against conventional non-cooperative system with orthogonal multiple access. In the idealistic PCM, CoMP is more energy efficient than non-cooperative system due to a reduction in power consumption; whereas in the realistic PCM, CoMP can also be more energy efficient but due to an improvement in SE and mainly for cell-edge communication and small cell deployment

    On the Energy Efficiency-Spectral Efficiency Trade-Off in the Uplink of CoMP System

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    Optimal Pilot Symbols Ratio in terms of Spectrum and Energy Efficiency in Uplink CoMP Networks

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    In wireless networks, Spectrum Efficiency (SE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) can be affected by the channel estimation that needs to be well designed in practice. In this paper, considering channel estimation error and non-ideal backhaul links, we optimize the pilot symbols ratio in terms of SE and EE in uplink Coordinated Multi-point (CoMP) networks. Modeling the channel estimation error, we formulate the SE and EE maximization problems by analyzing the system capacity with imperfect channel estimation. The maximal system capacity in SE optimization and the minimal transmit power in EE optimization, which both have the closed-form expressions, are derived by some reasonable approximations to reduce the complexity of solving complicated equations. Simulations are carried out to validate the superiority of our scheme, verify the accuracy of our approximation, and show the effect of pilot symbols ratio.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring

    On the Energy Efficiency-Spectral Efficiency Trade-Off of the 2BS-DMIMO System

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    In this paper, we propose a novel closed-form approximation of the Energy Efficiency vs. Spectral Efficiency (EE-SE) trade-off for the uplink/downlink of distributed multiple-input multiple-output (DMIMO) system with two cooperating base stations. Our closed-form expression can be utilized for evaluating the idealistic and realistic EE-SE performances of various antenna configurations as well as assessing how DMIMO compares against MIMO system in terms of EE. Results show a tight match between our closed-form approximation and the Monte-Carlo simulation for both idealistic and realistic EESE trade-off. Our results also show that given a target SE requirement, there exists an optimal antenna setting that maximizes the EE. In addition, DMIMO scheme can offer significant improvement in terms of EE over the MIMO scheme

    Downlink Energy Efficiency Analysis of Some Multiple Antenna Systems

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    In this paper we compare the energy efficiency of different multiple antenna transmission schemes for long-range wireless networks, assuming a realistic power consumption model. We consider the downlink, between a base station and a mobile station, in which the Alamouti scheme, transmit beamforming, receive diversity, spatial multiplexing, and transmit antenna selection are compared. Our analysis shows that, for different types of base stations, outage probability requirements and spectral efficiencies, the transmit antenna selection scheme is in general the most energy efficient option. Although antenna selection is not the best in terms of outage probability, it becomes the most efficient in terms of overall power consumption as it requires a single radio-frequency chain to obtain spatial diversity

    LTE-advanced self-organizing network conflicts and coordination algorithms

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    Self-organizing network (SON) functions have been introduced in the LTE and LTEAdvanced standards by the Third Generation Partnership Project as an excellent solution that promises enormous improvements in network performance. However, the most challenging issue in implementing SON functions in reality is the identification of the best possible interactions among simultaneously operating and even conflicting SON functions in order to guarantee robust, stable, and desired network operation. In this direction, the first step is the comprehensive modeling of various types of conflicts among SON functions, not only to acquire a detailed view of the problem, but also to pave the way for designing appropriate Self-Coordination mechanisms among SON functions. In this article we present a comprehensive classification of SON function conflicts, which leads the way for designing suitable conflict resolution solutions among SON functions and implementing SON in reality. Identifying conflicting and interfering relations among autonomous network management functionalities is a tremendously complex task. We demonstrate how analysis of fundamental trade-offs among performance metrics can us to the identification of potential conflicts. Moreover, we present analytical models of these conflicts using reference signal received power plots in multi-cell environments, which help to dig into the complex relations among SON functions. We identify potential chain reactions among SON function conflicts that can affect the concurrent operation of multiple SON functions in reality. Finally, we propose a selfcoordination framework for conflict resolution among multiple SON functions in LTE/LTEAdvanced networks, while highlighting a number of future research challenges for conflict-free operation of SON

    A very tight approximation of the SISO energy efficiency-spectral efficiency trade-off

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    Beside the well-established spectral-efficiency (SE), energy-efficiency (EE) is currently becoming an important performance evaluation metric, which in turn makes the EE-SE trade-off as a prominent criterion for efficiently designing future communication systems. In this letter, we propose a very tight closed-form approximation (CFA) of this trade-off over the single-input single-output (SISO) Rayleigh flat fading channel. We first derive an improved approximation of the SISO ergodic capacity by means of a parametric function and then utilize it for obtaining our novel EE-SE trade-off CFA, which is also generalized for the symmetric multi-input multi-output channel. We compare our CFA with existing CFAs and show its improved accuracy in comparison with the latter

    A survey and tutorial of electromagnetic radiation and reduction in mobile communication systems

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    This paper provides a survey and tutorial of electromagnetic (EM) radiation exposure and reduction in mobile communication systems. EM radiation exposure has received a fair share of interest in the literature; however, this work is one of the first to compile the most interesting results and ideas related to EM exposure in mobile communication systems and present possible ways of reducing it. We provide a comprehensive survey of existing literature and also offer a tutorial on the dosimetry, metrics, international projects as well as guidelines and limits on the exposure from EM radiation in mobile communication systems. Based on this survey and given that EM radiation exposure is closely linked with specific absorption rate (SAR) and transmit power usage, we propose possible techniques for reducing EM radiation exposure in mobile communication systems by exploring known concepts related to SAR and transmit power reduction in mobile systems. Thus, this paper serves as an introductory guide to EM radiation exposure in mobile communication systems and provides insights toward the design of future low-EM exposure mobile communication networks