13 research outputs found

    On the efficient representation and execution of deep acoustic models

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    In this paper we present a simple and computationally efficient quantization scheme that enables us to reduce the resolution of the parameters of a neural network from 32-bit floating point values to 8-bit integer values. The proposed quantization scheme leads to significant memory savings and enables the use of optimized hardware instructions for integer arithmetic, thus significantly reducing the cost of inference. Finally, we propose a "quantization aware" training process that applies the proposed scheme during network training and find that it allows us to recover most of the loss in accuracy introduced by quantization. We validate the proposed techniques by applying them to a long short-term memory-based acoustic model on an open-ended large vocabulary speech recognition task.Comment: Accepted conference paper: "The Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2016

    Balanced Quantization: An Effective and Efficient Approach to Quantized Neural Networks

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    Quantized Neural Networks (QNNs), which use low bitwidth numbers for representing parameters and performing computations, have been proposed to reduce the computation complexity, storage size and memory usage. In QNNs, parameters and activations are uniformly quantized, such that the multiplications and additions can be accelerated by bitwise operations. However, distributions of parameters in Neural Networks are often imbalanced, such that the uniform quantization determined from extremal values may under utilize available bitwidth. In this paper, we propose a novel quantization method that can ensure the balance of distributions of quantized values. Our method first recursively partitions the parameters by percentiles into balanced bins, and then applies uniform quantization. We also introduce computationally cheaper approximations of percentiles to reduce the computation overhead introduced. Overall, our method improves the prediction accuracies of QNNs without introducing extra computation during inference, has negligible impact on training speed, and is applicable to both Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks. Experiments on standard datasets including ImageNet and Penn Treebank confirm the effectiveness of our method. On ImageNet, the top-5 error rate of our 4-bit quantized GoogLeNet model is 12.7\%, which is superior to the state-of-the-arts of QNNs

    Version Control of Speaker Recognition Systems

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    This paper discusses one of the most challenging practical engineering problems in speaker recognition systems - the version control of models and user profiles. A typical speaker recognition system consists of two stages: the enrollment stage, where a profile is generated from user-provided enrollment audio; and the runtime stage, where the voice identity of the runtime audio is compared against the stored profiles. As technology advances, the speaker recognition system needs to be updated for better performance. However, if the stored user profiles are not updated accordingly, version mismatch will result in meaningless recognition results. In this paper, we describe different version control strategies for different types of speaker recognition systems, according to how they are deployed in the production environment