1 research outputs found

    Recognising Graphic and Matroidal Connectivity Functions

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    A {\em connectivity function} on a set EE is a function λ:2E→R\lambda:2^E\rightarrow \mathbb R such that λ(∅)=0\lambda(\emptyset)=0, that λ(X)=λ(E−X)\lambda(X)=\lambda(E-X) for all X⊆EX\subseteq E, and that λ(X∩Y)+λ(X∪Y)≤λ(X)+λ(Y)\lambda(X\cap Y)+\lambda(X\cup Y)\leq \lambda(X)+\lambda(Y) for all X,Y⊆EX,Y \subseteq E. Graphs, matroids and, more generally, polymatroids have associated connectivity functions. In this paper we give a method for identifying when a connectivity function comes from a graph. This method uses no more than a polynomial number of evaluations of the connectivity function. In contrast, we show that the problem of identifying when a connectivity function comes from a matroid cannot be solved in polynomial time. We also show that the problem of identifying when a connectivity function is not that of a matroid cannot be solved in polynomial time