2 research outputs found

    4-Factor-criticality of vertex-transitive graphs

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    A graph of order nn is pp-factor-critical, where pp is an integer of the same parity as nn, if the removal of any set of pp vertices results in a graph with a perfect matching. 1-factor-critical graphs and 2-factor-critical graphs are well-known factor-critical graphs and bicritical graphs, respectively. It is known that if a connected vertex-transitive graph has odd order, then it is factor-critical, otherwise it is elementary bipartite or bicritical. In this paper, we show that a connected vertex-transitive non-bipartite graph of even order at least 6 is 4-factor-critical if and only if its degree is at least 5. This result implies that each connected non-bipartite Cayley graphs of even order and degree at least 5 is 2-extendable.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    Small separations in vertex transitive graphs

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    Let kk be an integer. We prove a rough structure theorem for separations of order at most kk in finite and infinite vertex transitive graphs. Let G=(V,E)G = (V,E) be a vertex transitive graph, let AβŠ†VA \subseteq V be a finite vertex-set with ∣Aβˆ£β‰€βˆ£V∣/2|A| \le |V|/2 and |\{v \in V \setminus A : {u \sim vforsome for some u \in A} \}|\le k. We show that whenever the diameter of GG is at least 31(k+1)231(k+1)^2, either ∣Aβˆ£β‰€2k3+k2|A| \le 2k^3+k^2, or GG has a ring-like structure (with bounded parameters), and AA is efficiently contained in an interval. This theorem may be viewed as a rough characterization, generalizing an earlier result of Tindell, and has applications to the study of product sets and expansion in groups.Comment: 28 page