2,507 research outputs found

    Evolution of Prehension Ability in an Anthropomorphic Neurorobotic Arm

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    In this paper we show how a simulated anthropomorphic robotic arm controlled by an artificial neural network can develop effective reaching and grasping behaviour through a trial and error process in which the free parameters encode the control rules which regulate the fine-grained interaction between the robot and the environment and variations of the free parameters are retained or discarded on the basis of their effects at the level of the global behaviour exhibited by the robot situated in the environment. The obtained results demonstrate how the proposed methodology allows the robot to produce effective behaviours thanks to its ability to exploit the morphological properties of the robot’s body (i.e. its anthropomorphic shape, the elastic properties of its muscle-like actuators, and the compliance of its actuated joints) and the properties which arise from the physical interaction between the robot and the environment mediated by appropriate control rules

    Beyond Gazing, Pointing, and Reaching: A Survey of Developmental Robotics

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    Developmental robotics is an emerging field located at the intersection of developmental psychology and robotics, that has lately attracted quite some attention. This paper gives a survey of a variety of research projects dealing with or inspired by developmental issues, and outlines possible future directions

    An Unsupervised Neural Network for Real-Time Low-Level Control of a Mobile Robot: Noise Resistance, Stability, and Hardware Implementation

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    We have recently introduced a neural network mobile robot controller (NETMORC). The controller is based on earlier neural network models of biological sensory-motor control. We have shown that NETMORC is able to guide a differential drive mobile robot to an arbitrary stationary or moving target while compensating for noise and other forms of disturbance, such as wheel slippage or changes in the robot's plant. Furthermore, NETMORC is able to adapt in response to long-term changes in the robot's plant, such as a change in the radius of the wheels. In this article we first review the NETMORC architecture, and then we prove that NETMORC is asymptotically stable. After presenting a series of simulations results showing robustness to disturbances, we compare NETMORC performance on a trajectory-following task with the performance of an alternative controller. Finally, we describe preliminary results on the hardware implementation of NETMORC with the mobile robot ROBUTER.Sloan Fellowship (BR-3122), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499

    A Top-Down Approach to Managing Variability in Robotics Algorithms

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    One of the defining features of the field of robotics is its breadth and heterogeneity. Unfortunately, despite the availability of several robotics middleware services, robotics software still fails to smoothly handle at least two kinds of variability: algorithmic variability and lower-level variability. The consequence is that implementations of algorithms are hard to understand and impacted by changes to lower-level details such as the choice or configuration of sensors or actuators. Moreover, when several algorithms or algorithmic variants are available it is difficult to compare and combine them. In order to alleviate these problems we propose a top-down approach to express and implement robotics algorithms and families of algorithms so that they are both less dependent on lower-level details and easier to understand and combine. This approach goes top-down from the algorithms and shields them from lower-level details by introducing very high level abstractions atop the intermediate abstractions of robotics middleware. This approach is illustrated on 7 variants of the Bug family that were implemented using both laser and infra-red sensors.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Presented at DSLRob 2013 (arXiv:cs/1312.5952

    Automata guided hierarchical reinforcement learning for zero-shot skill composition

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    An obstacle that prevents the wide adoption of (deep) reinforcement learning (RL) in control systems is its need for a large amount of interactions with the environment in order to master a skill. The learned skill usually generalizes poorly across domains and re-training is often necessary when presented with a new task. We present a framework that combines methods in formal methods with hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL). The set of techniques we provide allows for convenient specification of tasks with complex logic, learn hierarchical policies (meta-controller and low-level controllers) with well-defined intrinsic rewards using any RL methods and is able to construct new skills from existing ones without additional learning. We evaluate the proposed methods in a simple grid world simulation as well as simulation on a Baxter robot

    Introduction: The Fourth International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics

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    As in the previous editions, this workshop is trying to be a forum for multi-disciplinary research ranging from developmental psychology to neural sciences (in its widest sense) and robotics including computational studies. This is a two-fold aim of, on the one hand, understanding the brain through engineering embodied systems and, on the other hand, building artificial epigenetic systems. Epigenetic contains in its meaning the idea that we are interested in studying development through interaction with the environment. This idea entails the embodiment of the system, the situatedness in the environment, and of course a prolonged period of postnatal development when this interaction can actually take place. This is still a relatively new endeavor although the seeds of the developmental robotics community were already in the air since the nineties (Berthouze and Kuniyoshi, 1998; Metta et al., 1999; Brooks et al., 1999; Breazeal, 2000; Kozima and Zlatev, 2000). A few had the intuition – see Lungarella et al. (2003) for a comprehensive review – that, intelligence could not be possibly engineered simply by copying systems that are “ready made” but rather that the development of the system fills a major role. This integration of disciplines raises the important issue of learning on the multiple scales of developmental time, that is, how to build systems that eventually can learn in any environment rather than program them for a specific environment. On the other hand, the hope is that robotics might become a new tool for brain science similarly to what simulation and modeling have become for the study of the motor system. Our community is still pretty much evolving and “under construction” and for this reason, we tried to encourage submissions from the psychology community. Additionally, we invited four neuroscientists and no roboticists for the keynote lectures. We received a record number of submissions (more than 50), and given the overall size and duration of the workshop together with our desire to maintain a single-track format, we had to be more selective than ever in the review process (a 20% acceptance rate on full papers). This is, if not an index of quality, at least an index of the interest that gravitates around this still new discipline
