2 research outputs found

    The Complexity of Temporal Logic over the Reals

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    It is shown that the decision problem for the temporal logic with until and since connectives over real-numbers time is PSPACE-complete

    On the Decidability of Continuous Time Specification Formalisms

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    We consider an interpretation of monadic second-order logic of order in the continuous time structure of finitely variable signals and show the decidability of monadic logic in this structure. The expressive power of monadic logic is illustrated by providing a straightforward meaning preserving translation into monadic logic of three typical continuous time specification formalism: Temporal Logic of Reals [2], Restricted Duration Calculus [4], and the Propositional fragment of Mean Value Calculus [6]. As a by-product of the decidability of monadic logic we obtain that the above formalisms are decidable even when extended by quantifiers. 1 Introduction In the recent years systems whose behavior change in the continuous (real) time were extensively investigated. Hybrid and control systems are prominent examples of real time systems. A number of formalisms for specification of real time behavior were suggested in the literature. Some of these formalisms (e.g., timed automata [1]) exten..