3 research outputs found

    On the cost of fast controls for some families of dispersive or parabolic equations in one space dimension

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    In this paper, we consider the cost of null controllability for a large class of linear equations of parabolic or dispersive type in one space dimension in small time. By extending the work of Tenenbaum and Tucsnak in "New blow-up rates for fast controls of Schr\"odinger and heat equations`", we are able to give precise upper bounds on the time-dependance of the cost of fast controls when the time of control T tends to 0. We also give a lower bound of the cost of fast controls for the same class of equations, which proves the optimality of the power of T involved in the cost of the control. These general results are then applied to treat notably the case of linear KdV equations and fractional heat or Schr\"odinger equations

    A non-controllability result for the half-heat equation on the whole line based on the prolate spheroidal wave functions and its application to the Grushin equation

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    In this article, we revisit a result by A. Koenig concerning the non-controllability of the half-heat equation posed on R, with a control domain that is an open set whose exterior contains an interval. The main novelty of the present article is to disprove the corresponding observability inequality by using as an initial condition a family of prolate spheroidal wave function (PSWF) translated in the Fourier space, associated to a parameter c that goes to ∞. The proof is essentially based on the dual nature of the PSWF together with direct computations, showing that the solution "does not spread out" too much during time. As a consequence, we obtain a new non-controllability result on the Grushin equation posed on R × R

    Optimal approximation of internal controls for a wave-type problem with fractional Laplacian using finite-difference method

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    We consider a finite-difference semi-discrete scheme for the approximation of internal controls of a one-dimensional evolution problem of hyperbolic type involving the spectral fractional Laplacian. The continuous problem is controllable in arbitrary small time. However, the high frequency numerical spurious oscillations lead to a loss of the uniform (with respect to the mesh size) controllability property of the semi-discrete model in the natural setting. For all initial data in the natural energy space, if we filter the high frequencies of these initial data in an optimal way, we restore the uniform controllability property in arbitrary small time. The proof is mainly based on a (non-classic) moment method