13 research outputs found

    Fourier Neural Network Approximation of Transition Densities in Finance

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    This paper introduces FourNet, a novel single-layer feed-forward neural network (FFNN) method designed to approximate transition densities for which closed-form expressions of their Fourier transforms, i.e. characteristic functions, are available. A unique feature of FourNet lies in its use of a Gaussian activation function, enabling exact Fourier and inverse Fourier transformations and drawing analogies with the Gaussian mixture model. We mathematically establish FourNet's capacity to approximate transition densities in the L2L_2-sense arbitrarily well with finite number of neurons. The parameters of FourNet are learned by minimizing a loss function derived from the known characteristic function and the Fourier transform of the FFNN, complemented by a strategic sampling approach to enhance training. Through a rigorous and comprehensive error analysis, we derive informative bounds for the L2L_2 estimation error and the potential (pointwise) loss of nonnegativity in the estimated densities. FourNet's accuracy and versatility are demonstrated through a wide range of dynamics common in quantitative finance, including L\'{e}vy processes and the Heston stochastic volatility models-including those augmented with the self-exciting Queue-Hawkes jump process.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Iterative Averaging in the Quest for Best Test Error

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    We analyse and explain the increased generalisation performance of iterate averaging using a Gaussian process perturbation model between the true and batch risk surface on the high dimensional quadratic. We derive three phenomena \latestEdits{from our theoretical results:} (1) The importance of combining iterate averaging (IA) with large learning rates and regularisation for improved regularisation. (2) Justification for less frequent averaging. (3) That we expect adaptive gradient methods to work equally well, or better, with iterate averaging than their non-adaptive counterparts. Inspired by these results\latestEdits{, together with} empirical investigations of the importance of appropriate regularisation for the solution diversity of the iterates, we propose two adaptive algorithms with iterate averaging. These give significantly better results compared to stochastic gradient descent (SGD), require less tuning and do not require early stopping or validation set monitoring. We showcase the efficacy of our approach on the CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet and Penn Treebank datasets on a variety of modern and classical network architectures