48 research outputs found

    On the consistency of Koomen's fair abstraction rule

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    Regularity for a large class of context-free processes is decidable

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    Bounded nondeterminism and the approximation induction principle in process algebra (extended abstract)

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    This paper presents a new semantics of ACPτ, the Algebra of Communicating Processes with abstraction. This leads to a term model of ACPτ which is isomorphic to the model of process graphs modulo rooted τδ-bisimulation of Baeten, Bergstra & Klop In this model, the Recursive Definition Principle (RDP), the Commutativity of Abstraction (CA) and Koomen's Fair Abstraction Rule (KFAR) are satisfied, but the Approximation Induction Principle (AIP) is not. The combination of these four principles is proven to be inconsistent, while any combination of three of them is not. In [2] a restricted version of AIP is proved valid in the graph model. This paper proposes a simpler and less restrictive version of AIP, not containing guarded recursive specifications as a parameter, which is still valid. This infinitary rule is formulated with the help of a family Bn of unary predicates, expressing bounded nondeterminism

    Another look at abstraction in process algebra: Extended abstract

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    Central to theories of concurrency is the notion of abstraction. Abstraction from internal actions is the most important tool for system verification. In this paper, we look at abstraction in the framework of the Algebra of Communicating Processes (see BERGSTRA & KLOP [4, 6]). We introduce a hidden step η, and construct a model for the resulting theory ACPη. We briefly look at recursive specifications in this theory, and discuss the relations with Milner's silent step τ

    Another look at abstraction in process algebra: Extended abstract

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    Central to theories of concurrency is the notion of abstraction. Abstraction from internal actions is the most important tool for system verification. In this paper, we look at abstraction in the framework of the Algebra of Communicating Processes (see BERGSTRA & KLOP [4, 6]). We introduce a hidden step η, and construct a model for the resulting theory ACPη. We briefly look at recursive specifications in this theory, and discuss the relations with Milner's silent step τ

    Embedding as a tool for language comparison: on the CSP hierarchy

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