599 research outputs found

    Large solutions of elliptic systems of second order and applications to the biharmonic equation

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    In this work we study the nonnegative solutions of the elliptic system \Delta u=|x|^{a}v^{\delta}, \Delta v=|x|^{b}u^{\mu} in the superlinear case \mu \delta>1, which blow up near the boundary of a domain of R^{N}, or at one isolated point. In the radial case we give the precise behavior of the large solutions near the boundary in any dimension N. We also show the existence of infinitely many solutions blowing up at 0. Furthermore, we show that there exists a global positive solution in R^{N}\{0}, large at 0, and we describe its behavior. We apply the results to the sign changing solutions of the biharmonic equation \Delta^2 u=|x|^{b}|u|^{\mu}. Our results are based on a new dynamical approach of the radial system by means of a quadratic system of order 4, combined with nonradial upper estimates

    A semilinear parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis system with critical mass in any space dimension

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    We study radial solutions in a ball of RN\mathbb{R}^N of a semilinear, parabolic-elliptic Patlak-Keller-Segel system with a nonlinear sensitivity involving a critical power. For N=2N = 2, the latter reduces to the classical linear model, well-known for its critical mass 8π8\pi. We show that a critical mass phenomenon also occurs for N≥3N \geq 3, but with a strongly different qualitative behaviour. More precisely, if the total mass of cells is smaller or equal to the critical mass M, then the cell density converges to a regular steady state with support strictly inside the ball as time goes to infinity. In the case of the critical mass, this result is nontrivial since there exists a continuum of stationary solutions and is moreover in sharp contrast with the case N=2N = 2 where infinite time blow-up occurs. If the total mass of cells is larger than M, then all solutions blow up in finite time. This actually follows from the existence (unlike for N=2N = 2) of a family of self-similar, blowing up solutions with support strictly inside the ball.Comment: 35 page

    Multiple positive solutions to elliptic boundary blow-up problems

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    We prove the existence of multiple positive radial solutions to the sign-indefinite elliptic boundary blow-up problem {Δu+(a+(∣x∣)−μa−(∣x∣))g(u)=0,  ∣x∣<1,u(x)→∞,  ∣x∣→1, \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \Delta u + \bigl(a^+(\vert x \vert) - \mu a^-(\vert x \vert)\bigr) g(u) = 0, & \; \vert x \vert < 1, \\ u(x) \to \infty, & \; \vert x \vert \to 1, \end{array} \right. where gg is a function superlinear at zero and at infinity, a+a^+ and a−a^- are the positive/negative part, respectively, of a sign-changing function aa and μ>0\mu > 0 is a large parameter. In particular, we show how the number of solutions is affected by the nodal behavior of the weight function aa. The proof is based on a careful shooting-type argument for the equivalent singular ODE problem. As a further application of this technique, the existence of multiple positive radial homoclinic solutions to Δu+(a+(∣x∣)−μa−(∣x∣))g(u)=0,x∈RN, \Delta u + \bigl(a^+(\vert x \vert) - \mu a^-(\vert x \vert)\bigr) g(u) = 0, \qquad x \in \mathbb{R}^N, is also considered

    Blow-up of continuous and semidiscrete solutions to elliptic equations with semilinear dynamical boundary conditions of parabolic type

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    AbstractIn this paper we present existence of blow-up solutions for elliptic equations with semilinear boundary conditions that can be posed on all domain boundary as well as only on a part of the boundary. Systems of ordinary differential equations are obtained by semidiscretizations, using finite elements in the space variables. The necessary and sufficient conditions for blow-up in these systems are found. It is proved that the numerical blow-up times converge to the corresponding real blow-up times when the mesh size goes to zero
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