27 research outputs found

    A linear time algorithm for a variant of the max cut problem in series parallel graphs

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    Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E), a connected sides cut (U,V\U)(U, V\backslash U) or δ(U)\delta (U) is the set of edges of E linking all vertices of U to all vertices of V\UV\backslash U such that the induced subgraphs G[U]G[U] and G[V\U]G[V\backslash U] are connected. Given a positive weight function ww defined on EE, the maximum connected sides cut problem (MAX CS CUT) is to find a connected sides cut Ω\Omega such that w(Ω)w(\Omega) is maximum. MAX CS CUT is NP-hard. In this paper, we give a linear time algorithm to solve MAX CS CUT for series parallel graphs. We deduce a linear time algorithm for the minimum cut problem in the same class of graphs without computing the maximum flow.Comment: 6 page

    Max-Cut and Max-Bisection are NP-hard on unit disk graphs

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    We prove that the Max-Cut and Max-Bisection problems are NP-hard on unit disk graphs. We also show that λ\lambda-precision graphs are planar for λ\lambda > 1 / \sqrt{2}$

    Algorithmic Aspects of Switch Cographs

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    This paper introduces the notion of involution module, the first generalization of the modular decomposition of 2-structure which has a unique linear-sized decomposition tree. We derive an O(n^2) decomposition algorithm and we take advantage of the involution modular decomposition tree to state several algorithmic results. Cographs are the graphs that are totally decomposable w.r.t modular decomposition. In a similar way, we introduce the class of switch cographs, the class of graphs that are totally decomposable w.r.t involution modular decomposition. This class generalizes the class of cographs and is exactly the class of (Bull, Gem, Co-Gem, C_5)-free graphs. We use our new decomposition tool to design three practical algorithms for the maximum cut, vertex cover and vertex separator problems. The complexity of these problems was still unknown for this class of graphs. This paper also improves the complexity of the maximum clique, the maximum independant set, the chromatic number and the maximum clique cover problems by giving efficient algorithms, thanks to the decomposition tree. Eventually, we show that this class of graphs has Clique-Width at most 4 and that a Clique-Width expression can be computed in linear time