1 research outputs found

    On the complexity of Simon automata over the Dyck language

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    In this paper the following problem is studied. Let Σ~=Σ∪Σ‾\tilde\Sigma=\Sigma\cup\overline\Sigma be a finite alphabet where Σ\Sigma and Σ‾\overline\Sigma are disjoint and equipotent sets. Let LL be a rational language over Σ~\tilde\Sigma and let SLS_L be the Simon distance automaton on LLL. Let CC be the square matrix with entries in the extended set of natural numbers given by the formula: for every pair (p,q)(p,q) of states of SLS_L, CpqC_{pq} is the minimum weight of a computation in SLS_L from pp to qq labelled by a Dyck word if such a computation exists, otherwise it is ∞\infty. We exhibit a polynomial time algorithm which allows us to compute the matrix CC in the case in which Σ\Sigma is the unary alphabet. This result partially solves an open question raised in [F. d'Alessandro and J. Sakarovitch, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 293 (2003), no. 1, 55--82; MR1957613 (2003m:20025)]