2 research outputs found

    Actively Private and Correct MPC Scheme in t<n/2t < n/2 from Passively Secure Schemes with Small Overhead

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    Recently, several efforts to implement and use an unconditionally secure multi-party computation (MPC) scheme have been put into practice. These implementations are {\em passively} secure MPC schemes in which an adversary must follow the MPC schemes. Although passively secure MPC schemes are efficient, passive security has the strong restriction concerning the behavior of the adversary. We investigate how secure we can construct MPC schemes while maintaining comparable efficiency with the passive case, and propose a construction of an {\em actively} secure MPC scheme from passively secure ones. Our construction is secure in the t<n/2t < n/2 setting, which is the same as the passively secure one. Our construction operates not only the theoretical minimal set for computing arbitrary circuits, that is, addition and multiplication, but also high-level operations such as shuffling and sorting. We do not use the broadcast channel in the construction. Therefore, privacy and correctness are achieved but {\em robustness} is absent; if the adversary cheats, a protocol may not be finished but anyone can detect the cheat (and may stop the protocol) without leaking secret information. Instead of this, our construction requires O((cBn+n2)κ)O((c_B n + n^2)\kappa) communication that is comparable to one of the best known passively secure MPC schemes, O((cMn+n2)logn)O((c_M n + n^2)\log n), where κ\kappa denote the security parameter, cBc_B denotes the sum of multiplication gates and high-level operations, and cMc_M denotes the number of multiplication gates. Furthermore, we implemented our construction and confirmed that its efficiency is comparable to the current astest passively secure implementation

    On the Complexity of Broadcast Setup ∗

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    Byzantine broadcast is a distributed primitive that allows a specific party (called “sender”) to consistently distribute a value v among n parties in the presence of potential misbehavior of up to t of the parties. Broadcast requires that correct parties always agree on the same value and if the sender is correct, then the agreed value is v. Broadcast without a setup (i.e., from scratch) is achievable from point-to-point channels if and only if t &lt; n/3. In case t ≥ n/3 a trusted setup is required. The setup may be assumed to be given initially or generated by the parties in a setup phase. It is known that generating setup for protocols with cryptographic security is relatively simple and only consists of setting up a public-key infrastructure. However, generating setup for information-theoretically secure protocols is much more involved. In this paper we study the complexity of setup generation for informationtheoretic protocols using point-to-point channels and temporarily available broadcast channels. We optimize the number of rounds in which the temporary broadcast channels are used while minimizing the number of bits broadcast with them. We give the first information-theoretically secure broadcast protocol tolerating t &lt; n/2 that uses the temporary broadcast channels during only 1 round in the setup phase. Furthermore, only O(n3) bits need to be broadcast with the temporary broadcast channels during that round, independently of the security parameter employed. The broadcast protocol presented in this paper allows to construct the first informationtheoretically secure MPC protocol which uses a broadcast channel during only one round. Additionally, the presented broadcast protocol supports refreshing, which allows to broadcast an a priori unknown number of times given a fixed-size setup