262 research outputs found

    Decentralized Learning for Multi-player Multi-armed Bandits

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    We consider the problem of distributed online learning with multiple players in multi-armed bandits (MAB) models. Each player can pick among multiple arms. When a player picks an arm, it gets a reward. We consider both i.i.d. reward model and Markovian reward model. In the i.i.d. model each arm is modelled as an i.i.d. process with an unknown distribution with an unknown mean. In the Markovian model, each arm is modelled as a finite, irreducible, aperiodic and reversible Markov chain with an unknown probability transition matrix and stationary distribution. The arms give different rewards to different players. If two players pick the same arm, there is a "collision", and neither of them get any reward. There is no dedicated control channel for coordination or communication among the players. Any other communication between the users is costly and will add to the regret. We propose an online index-based distributed learning policy called dUCB4{\tt dUCB_4} algorithm that trades off \textit{exploration v. exploitation} in the right way, and achieves expected regret that grows at most as near-O(log2T)O(\log^2 T). The motivation comes from opportunistic spectrum access by multiple secondary users in cognitive radio networks wherein they must pick among various wireless channels that look different to different users. This is the first distributed learning algorithm for multi-player MABs to the best of our knowledge.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Online Influence Maximization in Non-Stationary Social Networks

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    Social networks have been popular platforms for information propagation. An important use case is viral marketing: given a promotion budget, an advertiser can choose some influential users as the seed set and provide them free or discounted sample products; in this way, the advertiser hopes to increase the popularity of the product in the users' friend circles by the world-of-mouth effect, and thus maximizes the number of users that information of the production can reach. There has been a body of literature studying the influence maximization problem. Nevertheless, the existing studies mostly investigate the problem on a one-off basis, assuming fixed known influence probabilities among users, or the knowledge of the exact social network topology. In practice, the social network topology and the influence probabilities are typically unknown to the advertiser, which can be varying over time, i.e., in cases of newly established, strengthened or weakened social ties. In this paper, we focus on a dynamic non-stationary social network and design a randomized algorithm, RSB, based on multi-armed bandit optimization, to maximize influence propagation over time. The algorithm produces a sequence of online decisions and calibrates its explore-exploit strategy utilizing outcomes of previous decisions. It is rigorously proven to achieve an upper-bounded regret in reward and applicable to large-scale social networks. Practical effectiveness of the algorithm is evaluated using both synthetic and real-world datasets, which demonstrates that our algorithm outperforms previous stationary methods under non-stationary conditions.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2016. Full versio

    Deterministic Sequencing of Exploration and Exploitation for Multi-Armed Bandit Problems

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    In the Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem, there is a given set of arms with unknown reward models. At each time, a player selects one arm to play, aiming to maximize the total expected reward over a horizon of length T. An approach based on a Deterministic Sequencing of Exploration and Exploitation (DSEE) is developed for constructing sequential arm selection policies. It is shown that for all light-tailed reward distributions, DSEE achieves the optimal logarithmic order of the regret, where regret is defined as the total expected reward loss against the ideal case with known reward models. For heavy-tailed reward distributions, DSEE achieves O(T^1/p) regret when the moments of the reward distributions exist up to the pth order for 1<p<=2 and O(T^1/(1+p/2)) for p>2. With the knowledge of an upperbound on a finite moment of the heavy-tailed reward distributions, DSEE offers the optimal logarithmic regret order. The proposed DSEE approach complements existing work on MAB by providing corresponding results for general reward distributions. Furthermore, with a clearly defined tunable parameter-the cardinality of the exploration sequence, the DSEE approach is easily extendable to variations of MAB, including MAB with various objectives, decentralized MAB with multiple players and incomplete reward observations under collisions, MAB with unknown Markov dynamics, and combinatorial MAB with dependent arms that often arise in network optimization problems such as the shortest path, the minimum spanning, and the dominating set problems under unknown random weights.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure