773 research outputs found

    Combinatorics on words in information security: Unavoidable regularities in the construction of multicollision attacks on iterated hash functions

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    Classically in combinatorics on words one studies unavoidable regularities that appear in sufficiently long strings of symbols over a fixed size alphabet. In this paper we take another viewpoint and focus on combinatorial properties of long words in which the number of occurrences of any symbol is restritced by a fixed constant. We then demonstrate the connection of these properties to constructing multicollision attacks on so called generalized iterated hash functions.Comment: In Proceedings WORDS 2011, arXiv:1108.341

    Random Oracles in a Quantum World

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    The interest in post-quantum cryptography - classical systems that remain secure in the presence of a quantum adversary - has generated elegant proposals for new cryptosystems. Some of these systems are set in the random oracle model and are proven secure relative to adversaries that have classical access to the random oracle. We argue that to prove post-quantum security one needs to prove security in the quantum-accessible random oracle model where the adversary can query the random oracle with quantum states. We begin by separating the classical and quantum-accessible random oracle models by presenting a scheme that is secure when the adversary is given classical access to the random oracle, but is insecure when the adversary can make quantum oracle queries. We then set out to develop generic conditions under which a classical random oracle proof implies security in the quantum-accessible random oracle model. We introduce the concept of a history-free reduction which is a category of classical random oracle reductions that basically determine oracle answers independently of the history of previous queries, and we prove that such reductions imply security in the quantum model. We then show that certain post-quantum proposals, including ones based on lattices, can be proven secure using history-free reductions and are therefore post-quantum secure. We conclude with a rich set of open problems in this area.Comment: 38 pages, v2: many substantial changes and extensions, merged with a related paper by Boneh and Zhandr

    Generic attacks on iterated hash functions

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 126-132).We survery the existing generic attacks on hash functions based on the Merkle­Damgard construction: that is, attacks in which the compression function is treated as a black box

    Wave: A New Family of Trapdoor One-Way Preimage Sampleable Functions Based on Codes

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    We present here a new family of trapdoor one-way Preimage Sampleable Functions (PSF) based on codes, the Wave-PSF family. The trapdoor function is one-way under two computational assumptions: the hardness of generic decoding for high weights and the indistinguishability of generalized (U,U+V)(U,U+V)-codes. Our proof follows the GPV strategy [GPV08]. By including rejection sampling, we ensure the proper distribution for the trapdoor inverse output. The domain sampling property of our family is ensured by using and proving a variant of the left-over hash lemma. We instantiate the new Wave-PSF family with ternary generalized (U,U+V)(U,U+V)-codes to design a "hash-and-sign" signature scheme which achieves existential unforgeability under adaptive chosen message attacks (EUF-CMA) in the random oracle model. For 128 bits of classical security, signature sizes are in the order of 15 thousand bits, the public key size in the order of 4 megabytes, and the rejection rate is limited to one rejection every 10 to 12 signatures.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1706.0806

    Preimage resistance beyond the birthday bound: Double-length hashing revisited

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    Security proofs are an essential part of modern cryptography. Often the challenge is not to come up with appropriate schemes but rather to technically prove that these satisfy the desired security properties. We provide for the first time techniques for proving asymptotically optimal preimage resistance bounds for block cipher based double length, double call hash functions. More precisely, we consider for some \keylength>\blocklength compression functions H:\{0,1\}^{\keylength+\blocklength} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{2\blocklength} using two calls to an ideal block cipher with an \blocklength-bit block size. Optimally, an adversary trying to find a preimage for HH should require \Omega(2^{2\blocklength}) queries to the underlying block cipher. As a matter of fact there have been several attempts to prove the preimage resistance of such compression functions, but no proof did go beyond the \Omega(2^{\blocklength}) barrier, therefore leaving a huge gap when compared to the optimal bound. In this paper, we introduce two new techniques on how to lift this bound to \Omega(2^{2\blocklength}). We demonstrate our new techniques for a simple and natural design of HH, being the concatenation of two instances of the well-known Davies-Meyer compression function
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