17,908 research outputs found

    CIMTDetect: A Community Infused Matrix-Tensor Coupled Factorization Based Method for Fake News Detection

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    Detecting whether a news article is fake or genuine is a crucial task in today's digital world where it's easy to create and spread a misleading news article. This is especially true of news stories shared on social media since they don't undergo any stringent journalistic checking associated with main stream media. Given the inherent human tendency to share information with their social connections at a mouse-click, fake news articles masquerading as real ones, tend to spread widely and virally. The presence of echo chambers (people sharing same beliefs) in social networks, only adds to this problem of wide-spread existence of fake news on social media. In this paper, we tackle the problem of fake news detection from social media by exploiting the very presence of echo chambers that exist within the social network of users to obtain an efficient and informative latent representation of the news article. By modeling the echo-chambers as closely-connected communities within the social network, we represent a news article as a 3-mode tensor of the structure - and propose a tensor factorization based method to encode the news article in a latent embedding space preserving the community structure. We also propose an extension of the above method, which jointly models the community and content information of the news article through a coupled matrix-tensor factorization framework. We empirically demonstrate the efficacy of our method for the task of Fake News Detection over two real-world datasets. Further, we validate the generalization of the resulting embeddings over two other auxiliary tasks, namely: \textbf{1)} News Cohort Analysis and \textbf{2)} Collaborative News Recommendation. Our proposed method outperforms appropriate baselines for both the tasks, establishing its generalization.Comment: Presented at ASONAM'1

    Identifying Nuances in Fake News vs. Satire: Using Semantic and Linguistic Cues

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    The blurry line between nefarious fake news and protected-speech satire has been a notorious struggle for social media platforms. Further to the efforts of reducing exposure to misinformation on social media, purveyors of fake news have begun to masquerade as satire sites to avoid being demoted. In this work, we address the challenge of automatically classifying fake news versus satire. Previous work have studied whether fake news and satire can be distinguished based on language differences. Contrary to fake news, satire stories are usually humorous and carry some political or social message. We hypothesize that these nuances could be identified using semantic and linguistic cues. Consequently, we train a machine learning method using semantic representation, with a state-of-the-art contextual language model, and with linguistic features based on textual coherence metrics. Empirical evaluation attests to the merits of our approach compared to the language-based baseline and sheds light on the nuances between fake news and satire. As avenues for future work, we consider studying additional linguistic features related to the humor aspect, and enriching the data with current news events, to help identify a political or social message.Comment: Accepted to the 2nd Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom (NLP4IF): Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda. Co-located with EMNLP-IJCNLP 201

    clicktatorship and democrazy: Social media and political campaigning

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    This chapter aims to direct attention to the political dimension of the social media age. Although current events like the Cambridge Analytica data breach managed to raise awareness for the issue, the systematically organized and orchestrated mechanisms at play still remain oblivious to most. Next to dangerous monopoly-tendencies among the powerful players on the market, reliance on automated algorithms in dealing with content seems to enable large-scale manipulation that is applied for economical and political purposes alike. The successful replacement of traditional parties by movements based on personality cults around marketable young faces like Emmanuel Macron or Austria’s Sebastian Kurz is strongly linked to products and services offered by an industry that simply provides likes and followers for cash. Inspired by Trump’s monopolization of the Twitter-channel, these new political acteurs use the potential of social media for effective message control, allowing them to avoid confrontations with professional journalists. In addition, an extremely active minority of organized agitators relies on the viral potential of the web to strongly influence and dictate public discourse – suggesting a shift from the Spiral of Silence to the dangerous illusion of a Nexus of Noise

    Tweeting your Destiny: Profiling Users in the Twitter Landscape around an Online Game

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    Social media has become a major communication channel for communities centered around video games. Consequently, social media offers a rich data source to study online communities and the discussions evolving around games. Towards this end, we explore a large-scale dataset consisting of over 1 million tweets related to the online multiplayer shooter Destiny and spanning a time period of about 14 months using unsupervised clustering and topic modelling. Furthermore, we correlate Twitter activity of over 3,000 players with their playtime. Our results contribute to the understanding of online player communities by identifying distinct player groups with respect to their Twitter characteristics, describing subgroups within the Destiny community, and uncovering broad topics of community interest.Comment: Accepted at IEEE Conference on Games 201
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