10 research outputs found

    On the Chernoff distance for asymptotic LOCC discrimination of bipartite quantum states

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    Motivated by the recent discovery of a quantum Chernoff theorem for asymptotic state discrimination, we investigate the distinguishability of two bipartite mixed states under the constraint of local operations and classical communication (LOCC), in the limit of many copies. While for two pure states a result of Walgate et al. shows that LOCC is just as powerful as global measurements, data hiding states (DiVincenzo et al.) show that locality can impose severe restrictions on the distinguishability of even orthogonal states. Here we determine the optimal error probability and measurement to discriminate many copies of particular data hiding states (extremal d x d Werner states) by a linear programming approach. Surprisingly, the single-copy optimal measurement remains optimal for n copies, in the sense that the best strategy is measuring each copy separately, followed by a simple classical decision rule. We also put a lower bound on the bias with which states can be distinguished by separable operations.Comment: 11 pages; v2: Journal version; Minor errors fixed in Section I

    Testing for a pure state with local operations and classical communication

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    We examine the problem of using local operations and classical communication (LOCC) to distinguish a known pure state from an unknown (possibly mixed) state, bounding the error probability from above and below. We study the asymptotic rate of detecting multiple copies of the pure state and show that, if the overlap of the two states is great enough, then they can be distinguished asymptotically as well with LOCC as with global measurements; otherwise, the maximal Schmidt coefficient of the pure state is sufficient to determine the asymptotic error rate.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Published version with small revisions and expanded title

    Asymptotic State Discrimination and a Strict Hierarchy in Distinguishability Norms

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of discriminating quantum states by local operations and classical communication (LOCC) when an arbitrarily small amount of error is permitted. This paradigm is known as asymptotic state discrimination, and we derive necessary conditions for when two multipartite states of any size can be discriminated perfectly by asymptotic LOCC. We use this new criterion to prove a gap in the LOCC and separable distinguishability norms. We then turn to the operational advantage of using two-way classical communication over one-way communication in LOCC processing. With a simple two-qubit product state ensemble, we demonstrate a strict majorization of the two-way LOCC norm over the one-way norm.Comment: Corrected errors from the previous draft. Close to publication for

    Hilbert's projective metric in quantum information theory

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    We introduce and apply Hilbert's projective metric in the context of quantum information theory. The metric is induced by convex cones such as the sets of positive, separable or PPT operators. It provides bounds on measures for statistical distinguishability of quantum states and on the decrease of entanglement under LOCC protocols or other cone-preserving operations. The results are formulated in terms of general cones and base norms and lead to contractivity bounds for quantum channels, for instance improving Ruskai's trace-norm contraction inequality. A new duality between distinguishability measures and base norms is provided. For two given pairs of quantum states we show that the contraction of Hilbert's projective metric is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a probabilistic quantum operation that maps one pair onto the other. Inequalities between Hilbert's projective metric and the Chernoff bound, the fidelity and various norms are proven.Comment: 32 pages including 3 appendices and 3 figures; v2: minor changes, published versio

    Discrimination of quantum states under locality constraints in the many-copy setting

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    We study the discrimination of a pair of orthogonal quantum states in the many-copy setting. This is not a problem when arbitrary quantum measurements are allowed, as then the states can be distinguished perfectly even with one copy. However, it becomes highly nontrivial when we consider states of a multipartite system and locality constraints are imposed. We hence focus on the restricted families of measurements such as local operation and classical communication (LOCC), separable operations (SEP), and the positive-partial-transpose operations (PPT) in this paper. We first study asymptotic discrimination of an arbitrary multipartite entangled pure state against its orthogonal complement using LOCC/SEP/PPT measurements. We prove that the incurred optimal average error probability always decays exponentially in the number of copies, by proving upper and lower bounds on the exponent. In the special case of discriminating a maximally entangled state against its orthogonal complement, we determine the explicit expression for the optimal average error probability and the optimal trade-off between the type-I and type-II errors, thus establishing the associated Chernoff, Stein, Hoeffding, and the strong converse exponents. Our technique is based on the idea of using PPT operations to approximate LOCC. Then, we show an infinite separation between SEP and PPT operations by providing a pair of states constructed from an unextendible product basis (UPB): they can be distinguished perfectly by PPT measurements, while the optimal error probability using SEP measurements admits an exponential lower bound. On the technical side, we prove this result by providing a quantitative version of the well-known statement that the tensor product of UPBs is UPB.Comment: Comments are welcom

    Entanglement Theory and the Quantum Simulation of Many-Body Physics

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    In this thesis we present new results relevant to two important problems in quantum information science: the development of a theory of entanglement and the exploration of the use of controlled quantum systems to the simulation of quantum many-body phenomena. In the first part we introduce a new approach to the study of entanglement by considering its manipulation under operations not capable of generating entanglement and show there is a total order for multipartite quantum states in this framework. We also present new results on hypothesis testing of correlated sources and give further evidence on the existence of NPPT bound entanglement. In the second part, we study the potential as well as the limitations of a quantum computer for calculating properties of many-body systems. First we analyse the usefulness of quantum computation to calculate additive approximations to partition functions and spectral densities of local Hamiltonians. We then show that the determination of ground state energies of local Hamiltonians with an inverse polynomial spectral gap is QCMA-hard. In the third and last part, we approach the problem of quantum simulating many-body systems from a more pragmatic point of view. We analyze the realization of paradigmatic condensed matter Hamiltonians in arrays of coupled microcavities, such as the Bose-Hubbard and the anisotropic Heisenberg models, and discuss the feasibility of an experimental realization with state-of-the-art current technology.Comment: 230 pages. PhD thesis, Imperial College London. Chapters 6, 7 and 8 contain unpublished materia