798 research outputs found

    On the Capacity Achieving Covariance Matrix for Frequency Selective MIMO Channels Using the Asymptotic Approach

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    In this contribution, an algorithm for evaluating the capacity-achieving input covariance matrices for frequency selective Rayleigh MIMO channels is proposed. In contrast with the flat fading Rayleigh cases, no closed-form expressions for the eigenvectors of the optimum input covariance matrix are available. Classically, both the eigenvectors and eigenvalues are computed numerically and the corresponding optimization algorithms remain computationally very demanding. In this paper, it is proposed to optimize (w.r.t. the input covariance matrix) a large system approximation of the average mutual information derived by Moustakas and Simon. An algorithm based on an iterative water filling scheme is proposed, and its convergence is studied. Numerical simulation results show that, even for a moderate number of transmit and receive antennas, the new approach provides the same results as direct maximization approaches of the average mutual information.Comment: presented at ISIT 2010 Conference, Austin, Texas, June 13-18, 2010 (5 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables

    Oversampling Increases the Pre-Log of Noncoherent Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    We analyze the capacity of a continuous-time, time-selective, Rayleigh block-fading channel in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. The fading process is assumed stationary within each block and to change independently from block to block; furthermore, its realizations are not known a priori to the transmitter and the receiver (noncoherent setting). A common approach to analyzing the capacity of this channel is to assume that the receiver performs matched filtering followed by sampling at symbol rate (symbol matched filtering). This yields a discrete-time channel in which each transmitted symbol corresponds to one output sample. Liang & Veeravalli (2004) showed that the capacity of this discrete-time channel grows logarithmically with the SNR, with a capacity pre-log equal to 1−Q/N1-{Q}/{N}. Here, NN is the number of symbols transmitted within one fading block, and QQ is the rank of the covariance matrix of the discrete-time channel gains within each fading block. In this paper, we show that symbol matched filtering is not a capacity-achieving strategy for the underlying continuous-time channel. Specifically, we analyze the capacity pre-log of the discrete-time channel obtained by oversampling the continuous-time channel output, i.e., by sampling it faster than at symbol rate. We prove that by oversampling by a factor two one gets a capacity pre-log that is at least as large as 1−1/N1-1/N. Since the capacity pre-log corresponding to symbol-rate sampling is 1−Q/N1-Q/N, our result implies indeed that symbol matched filtering is not capacity achieving at high SNR.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    On the precoder design of flat fading MIMO systems equipped with MMSE receivers: a large system approach

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    This paper is devoted to the design of precoders maximizing the ergodic mutual information (EMI) of bi-correlated flat fading MIMO systems equiped with MMSE receivers. The channel state information and the second order statistics of the channel are assumed available at the receiver side and at the transmitter side respectively. As the direct maximization of the EMI needs the use of non attractive algorithms, it is proposed to optimize an approximation of the EMI, introduced recently, obtained when the number of transmit and receive antennas tt and rr converge to ∞\infty at the same rate. It is established that the relative error between the actual EMI and its approximation is a O(1t2)O(\frac{1}{t^{2}}) term. It is shown that the left singular eigenvectors of the optimum precoder coincide with the eigenvectors of the transmit covariance matrix, and its singular values are solution of a certain maximization problem. Numerical experiments show that the mutual information provided by this precoder is close from what is obtained by maximizing the true EMI, but that the algorithm maximizing the approximation is much less computationally intensive.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
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